Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Global Warming is a LIE?

Big news from the Washington Times today. It appears as if some documents have leaked from some big-time climate change think tank/scientific research outfit. Apparently the documents show that these scientists have 'cooked the books' so to speak to make the data appear more in favor of global warming happening. It also may show that these scientists suppressed data that contradicted their hypothesis in regards to global warming. You can read the article by clicking here

This a pretty fresh article, so I'm sure that there is going to be stir in the public realm about it. Or maybe not, it may just fall into relative obscurity and just be the 'soup du jour'.

It raises some questions though-

1. How much trust do we put in scientists that affect our public policy?
2. How do ensure that there is public debate from both sides of the issue?

Most people would probably conclude if you've known me long enough that I lean a little to the right more than the left. I'm no scientist. I don't have "An Inconvenient Truth" on my netflix list. But I am a guy that has a bit of common sense.

I can be in Los Angeles and taste the pollution in the air and think- "this isn't good". I can watch the trailers full of garbage going to the landfill in King County and wonder if some of that stuff could be recycled. I think about the impact of trash in our seas and contaminates being put into our waterways and streams. I'm not an anti-environmental guy.

But I do care about the truth. I care about fear tactics being used as a means to divert my tax dollars to causes that aren't truly causes. I care that people put more faith in a guy in a white lab coat than they do in Almighty God.

I don't know if the world is getting hotter or colder. I don't know if we're going to kill ourselves with our Styrofoam cups. But I do know this- the Bible declares that "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together" (Col 1:17). What does that mean?

It means that God created the earth and knows how this thing is running. He's holding the thing together so we shouldn't be too worried about it. Now, does it mean that we should run out and start burning coal in our fireplaces and take out our emissions standards?

No. But we would do better to put a bit more trust in the Word of God and his ability to take care of us and this world that He created.

Yes, there are things that Humans do to affect the earth and its systems. But here's the deal- if this is true, its deplorable that these guys skewed the data and cooked the books to make it seem as if something was true that was not.

Trust God today. Believe that He is taking care of us and His creation. Thank Him for his provision and His creation. Put more trust in Him in all areas of your life.

Be blessed today.


  1. Most people would probably conclude if you've known me long enough that I lean a little to the right more than the left.

    Understatement of the Century!

  2. http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/stateofknowledge.html

  3. That's the problem with fundamentalists. There are even "environmental fundamentalists". Shocking.
