Wednesday, February 24, 2010

That's Right....Block Watch Captain....CAPTAIN!!!!

You got it. Last night, I became a block watch captain. I'm not sure how I achieved the rank of captain so easily, but I guess I did. I would have thought that I should have started as a private or something. I'll take the promotion though.

I live in a neighborhood that is a bit notorious in our city. Its called Timberlane. Its the biggest development in our town. It has about 1000 houses in it. It was built in the 70s, has a bunch of trees, and sadly a more than fair share of crime.

We have graffiti, wannabe gangsters, car prowls, vandalism, and a lot of trash and such. Not just food trash, like mattresses and old microwaves. Its quite annoying. Its not like that directly on my street, but when you go around the other areas of the development, it gets a bit worse.

Crystal and I have noticed this stuff for quite a few years. We didn't really know it was this type of neighborhood when we moved in, but what can we do now but work on improving it. When I got an email saying that someone was starting a block watch for our development, I went last night and got involved. Everyone who showed up was made the captain of their block.

Here's the deal- we all have busy lives. Things that we have to do, and things that we want to do. There is a third column- the things we should do. Its easy to forget to add a few into that column also. Its much easier to leave the 'should dos' to someone else. In this case, it might be a bit easier if someone else was doing this block watch thing.

What's the nugget? Why am I telling you about my new civic para-military organization? Initially, I didn't want to volunteer for this. I don't really have the time to commit to it, but I feel like if I'm going to complain about something, I should do something about it.

It seems that a lot of people don't get involved in things that matter anymore. They don't get involved at their kids schools, in politics, in their neighborhoods, in their churches. Too many people seem to at times to be content with sitting on the sidelines and allowing someone else to do it all, and just soak up the work of everyone else.

I like- 2nd Thessalonians 3:6 In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us.

There is a lot of people out there that do a whole lot of nothing. Don't be a person like that. Get in there and get your hands dirty once in a while and help some people.

You may even achieve the rank of 'Captain'


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