Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why Holy Week Shouldn't Be That Big of A Deal

Its 'Holy Week' this week if you didn't know. Its a week that most Christians around the world spend the week reflecting on the life of Jesus Christ. The week ends with Good Friday Service and Easter on Sunday.

Its a good thing but I'm not sure if its such a big deal.

Stick with me on this- hear me out.

I'm all for holidays, but I think they can sometimes ruin the reason the holiday exists.

Take Valentines day for example, I think Its a bunch of hooey. Why do I think its a bunch of hooey? Because whenever you have a holiday that has some sort of large significance centered on one day, it sends the message that it is only about that one day.

I love my wife every day. I do nice things for her all the time. I buy her stuff when I can. She gets chocolates whenever she wants. I don't need a specific day to tell me to love my wife. I need to do it every day.

That's my frustration with 'Holy Week'. Shouldn't every week be holy? Shouldn't we spend each week reflecting on the story of the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ? That's the whole point of being a Christian. Understanding the story of Easter.

I love this verse- 1 Corinthians 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

What does that verse mean to me? Without knowing who Jesus Christ is, and the significance of his resurrection, everything else is quite pointless. We shouldn't set aside one week to reflect on it, we should be reflecting on it every week. Every day in fact.

Here's the nugget for the day- after you've finished reading this fantastic blog today, I want to encourage you to take 3 minutes and reflect on what the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus means in your life. You're probably at home, or in some office. I know a few of you read this on your phones. Just take 3 mins and reflect on what it means. How it changes your outlook on life and how it impacts your relationship with God.

Now do that every day and watch what happens.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Well I will agree with you that as Christians, it should be everyday that we reflect and focus on God and the life of Jesus. I see Easter and alot of these other holidays as a ministry tool. It is an opportunity for us as Christians and as a church. It's one of the few times a year random people feel obligated to come to church even if they aren't saved. It gives us a chance to minister to them. If there is someone you are afraid to invite to church, "it's Easter and we are having this easter Egg hunt, so bring your kids"...(u get the idea). It's like I was telling Emily back when 105.3 was just playing Christmas music. It would annoy her so much that she didn't get to listen to regular Christian music. Around that time of year, people go find Christmas music on their radio dial, not even realizing what those words mean. Christmas passes and the hope is that the dial stays there and some people get ministered to through that station. So... Invite someone to church this week and let God touch them. They may think it's about the Rabbit and Eggs and candy, but once they feel God's presence and hear his words, they will understand the true meaning of this week(on a daily basis) and it will all be worth it.
