Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Habits- Easy To Make- Easy To Break?

Habits. We all have them. We eat, we live, we work. We work out. Some smoke, some sleep, some bite, some chew. Its inevitable. We create and form habits for what we do and how we do things.
We get up at the same time every day. We drive the same way to work every day. We order the same things at restaurants. Habits.
Some habits are good. Some are bad. But we have them. For me, it seems that I'm constantly trying to stop a certain habit and start a new one. I've been a nailbiter on and off for most of my life. I'm trying to stop. Its not easy. You have to get in the habit of carrying around nail clippers, when you're used to carrying around your teeth and using them. Its a hard habit to stop, and hard habit to start.
Take this blog for example- I kind of got out the habit of doing it. I like the blog. I like writing it, but I got out of the habit. I'm really trying to get back into it, but its hard to do. Why?
Its a killer to stopping and starting any habit. As soon as you set out to change, circumstance comes knocking and wants to keep you from changing. Its true for me, I'm sure its true for you to.

So what to do? Force it. Demand it of yourself. Set up controls in your life that will help you to make those new habits stick. Sure you can reward yourself with stuff to help you, but the true reward is knowing that you are doing the right thing for you, that in the end is the best thing for you. If not, why would you not be working on changing that habit?
Try this- find one thing to change for the good, set a reasonable goal and do it. It wont be easy, but with God's help, you can do it. Decide what habits you want to break, and form new habits to replace the old ones that are destructive.
Be blessed
pastor matt
ps. I wrote this blog in 7 mins because I am forming a new habit. Sure, it may not be great, but I FORCED myself to do it because I AM CHANGING MY HABIT. Gotta run- love you.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

1 comment:

  1. Write it down. It will be much more likely to happen. That's why people who write down their monthly cash flow plan before the month starts succeed at "budgeting" when it is much more difficult for people who do not.
