Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Don't Have an iphone. Will My Sins Be Forgiven?

Sin. It is the only three letter word that is a four letter word. We all struggle with it. We all do it. For some people. the reality of sin and the dealing with it is not the most enticing part of the spiritual life of the Christian. To some, its passe to talk about sin.
I'm old school. I'm stuck with the idea that is what its all about. Dealing with our nastiness and rooting it out.
Now, I'm not an iphone user. I'm not 'hip' enough for that. I'm a blackberry guy, but there is a new app for Catholic iphone users that they can use to prepare themselves for the rite of confession.
You can read the story here- its an interesting concept.
I'm not going to spend time on this blog discussing the differences between Catholics and Protestants and the process of confession. What I am going to do is say what needs to be said- sin needs to be dealt with.
Some of you may say "Pastor Matt! This is a blog about omelets and working out! Don't infect it with a diatribe about the evils of sin!" But we can't hide from the reality of sin my friend. It's something that needs to be addressed. However quip. However uncomfortable.
Now for me to spend a large amount of time discussing the ramifications and implications of sin and to outline a process by which you can be forgiven would be daunting.  Lets keep it real. Let's get down to gist of it. This is some good stuff folks. Stick with me here.
1. Sin is stuff God doesn't want us doing (as outlined in the Bible).
2. Jesus paid the penalty on the cross for those sins.
3. We have to admit to God our sin and need for Jesus.
4 We then turn away from it and stop doing it.
There. I said it. App or no app. I got to keep it real. But this should be encouraging. This should be a great blog. Sure, there isn't a fancy little app you can take with you today to confess your sins, but you can spend some time with God today talking to him about what you shouldn't be doing and receive some forgiveness for it. Don't let another day go by with the weight of guilt and shame looming over you. Talk to God about it and be freed from it.
It's what Jesus came to do my friend. Believe it.
Honestly, did you really not know you shouldn't be doing it? Doubtful. Most of know the stuff we shouldn't be doing. The key is to admit it, confess it, receive grace and move on.
Be blessed today. Spend a few minutes with the Lord talking about some stuff you need to talk to him about. You'll find your burden a bit lighter today.
And you don't even need an iphone!
Love you
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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