Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Truth About #Santa and #Christmas... is he really Satan?


I'm a Christian if you didn't know that already. I believe in Jesus Christ and have given my life over to Him. Since I've been a Christian, there has always been a real contentious relationship with Christmas and Santa Claus. I think it stems from Christians wanting to make sure that the holiday remains a day that honors and celebrates the birth of Jesus as an important historic day that changed the course of humanity. Not a day that celebrates a fat man in a red suit coming down a chimney. 

The current situation is that you see more images of Santa than Jesus during this time of year. 

I was watching this program last night about the history of Santa Claus, and a few things occurred to me that maybe I hadn't really thought of before. Now, I'm not elevating SC at the expense of JC as much as I am just making a few observations about it. Please do not label me a heretic. I am no historian. These are just my thoughts. 

The modern day image and idea of Santa Claus comes from an actual person named Nicolas who gained Sainthood for a miracle he performed back in the 900s or so. He was a Christian man who followed the precepts of Jesus. According to this program, he came from a very wealthy family, and was known for his generosity. Who he actually was and who he is portrayed as today are not exactly the same, the process by which we got the modern day Santa was largely influenced by folklore, artists, and the Coca Cola corporation.

It got me thinking, its a pretty amazing feat for a flesh and blood person to have that kind of global influence. What are the chances that 1000 years from now, what you did with your life would some how translate into an iconic image like Santa? Sure, how he is represented today is not the same as who he actually was, but its connected. No sleigh, no reindeer, no "ho ho ho" but the name, the gifts, the giving, its connected. 

Whats my point? I guess its this- I used to be in the Santa is Satan crowd pretty strong- but last night I thought about it- its pretty funny that Christians say that meaning of Christmas has been lost and society doesn't want any images of Jesus around during Christmas. Why is it funny? Because if you really think about it- (I know this may be a stretch) Santa is a religious symbol, even if the world doesn't know it. 

How? It symbolizes that if someone truly allows the love of God into their hearts, it can change them in such a way that their generosity will be known for generations to come. I don't think that guy Nick ever assumed that one day who he was would be used to sell waffle makers, but he didn't care, he was doing what he knew in his heart was right- being generous. Being giving. Somehow who he was has carried on way past his life. 

So should we worship Santa? no. Is he the reason for the season? no. If you think about how we got Santa can it point to Jesus? yes. Why? because if Nicolas didn't know Jesus, I doubt who he was would have carried on for so long. 

Go be generous today in Jesus name. Maybe 1000 years from now people at some cosmic mall on Mars will be having kids sit on someones lap in your name asking for gifts. Heck, they might even write a song about Jolly ol' St. you!

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog


  1. Santa and Satan... spelled with the same letters, both wear red and black...Coincidence? I think not! OK, just kidding. Amanda and I always allowed our kids to enjoy the thought of jolly St. Nick bringing them presents and that never seemed to take away from their knowledge that Christmas was about celebrating our Saviors birth. I always found it better to teach them about the excitement of celebrating what God did for us, by sending his Son to earth, rather than demonizing Santa. Great Blog Pastor Matt!

  2. interesting~ =)
    but i did like Christmas and Santa Claus...
    Early blessing for Xmas ya~
