Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Do You Feel Like You Can't Change?

Someone once told me that a common theme in my preaching is change. They told me that when you listen to most of sermons, that the element of personal change comes into it quite a bit.
I tend to agree with them. I do talk about change alot. Why? Because I believe that we can and should change.
Let me explain.
I was a psychology major at Seattle Pacific University, and I learned that there has always been a debate on whether its our nature that determines who we are, or it is our nurturing that determines who we are. The argument is that we are either born a certain way, or we are raised a certain way.
For me, I think its a combination of both, but if I were to lean on one side of the argument more, it would be on the nurture side. Sure, there may be a few snippets of biological in there somewhere, but for the most part, I'm a 'nurture' guy.
What got me thinking about this? This article I read today- http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20100806/sc_livescience/personalitysetforlifeby1stgradestudysuggests It says that the personality that we have when we're in the 1st grade carries on into adulthood. Apparently if you're a slack when you're 6 you're a slack your whole life.
I don't buy it. Not for a minute. Why? Because I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe that the Holy Spirit can change anyone, anywhere, anytime. I've seen it.
I've seen angry frustrated people change into loving patient people. I've seen introverted self loathers become extroverted encouragers. I've seen a person who couldn't look someone in the eye get up and address a congregation.
People can change with God's help. If they couldn't, then why would the Bible say we could? Why would the Bible constantly challenge us to change the way we think, act, respond, and speak if it were not possible?
Here's the deal- you may think because of what someone told you that you are who you are and that is what it is. Don't believe it. Don't give in to it. Don't believe that just because some study says that you are the way that you are that you have to stay that way.
Today, you can start to become whoever you want to be. If you don't like part of your personality, change it. If you don't like something in your life, take it out. 
God created you with the ability to adapt and change, so do it. Just because people have always told you that you are a certain way doesn't mean you have to stay that way. You can be whoever you want.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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