Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What I Learned From My 7 Year Old Yesterday

I typically don't like to use the blog as a means to grandstand my kids, but indulge me for a minute today. This is good stuff.
My daughter is 7. She's a wonderful little child. She's kind and warm. She loves people. She's obedient. She's everything that you would want in a daughter.
She's probably like a lot of other kids. She likes Hannah Montana. She likes to draw. She rides her bike. She bounces on her pogo stick. She's a ton of fun.
I take great pride in being her father. I'm proud of who she is and what she does. Its my hope and prayer that she continues to grow into who God is making her. So far, its pretty wonderful.
I was amazed at her yesterday.
I can't recall where I was coming from or what I had been doing, but I came up the stairs, and she was sitting on the couch in the living room reading the Bible. Not a kids Bible- the comparative study bible I have that is 4 inches thick.
"What are you doing?" I inquired.
"Reading the Bible" She said, not even looking up.
I was impressed. She's only been reading for a few years and here she is engrossed in the most profound book in the history of humanity.
I couldn't help myself- I asked her why she was reading the Bible and she said "I decided I want to try to read the whole Bible in a year".
She's 7.
Now I'm not sure if she'll do it. My guess would be that she'll get into Leviticus and give up like we all do. But this is what impressed me the most- she was attempting something great and something that wasn't easy. It made me question my own apathy and lack of motivation in certain areas of my life. If my 7 year old can start something, shouldn't I?
I'm sure you struggle with motivation sometimes. We all do. But here's why I'm sharing this today- I want you to understand that if my 7 year old can venture to do something great with no one pushing her, I think we can too.
The problem is not the idea. Its the putting of the action behind it.
Don't allow yourself to succumb to laziness and apathy today. Fully engage in those motivations that come into your head. Don't allow doubt and disbelief to keep you from greatness.
If a 7 year old can get it done, I think we can.
be blessed
pastor matt
ps. I asked her later what she read and she said Genesis 1-4. She was able to articulate the story of Adam and Eve with great accuracy!

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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