Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Is Up With Ol' Charles Sheen?

If you read the blog I'll assume you read the news. Over the past week or so you've probably caught a glimpse of Charlie Sheen and his apparent downward spiral.
I haven't gone out of my way one time to read or watch anything about Charlie Sheen. I've just soaked it up along the way. I was running on the treadmill at the gym last week and they showed an interview on CNN.
Yes, that's right, you heard it correctly. On CNN.
Now the breaking news isn't upheaval in Libya, its the breakdown of a guy who pretends to be someone else for a living.
The whole thing is a bit perplexing. Why does this story even get on the news. It doesn't even seem like news to me. Sure, the part about how he makes two million dollars an episode for some TV show that he's on is a bit interesting, but past that, not much. I've never even watched the show.
Here's what I think the draw is- most people do not want to even come close to facing inadequacies in their personality. Because of this, they are drawn to other people's issues and problems as a means to minimize their own issues, and steer clear of any focus on their own need for change and improvement.
Did you get that?
Its the person that finds the person that is worse off than them to feel better about themselves. Its the "at least I'm not like them" syndrome.
The problem with this should be abundantly clear- but let me help you out. Pointing out someone else's smelly breath when your breath stinks still leaves you with stinky breath. If the issues is the eradication of stinky breath, then all who have stinky breath should be encouraged to brush, floss and rinse. Not only those whom we think should. Everyone should.
Where are you at this morning? Are you the type that gets more joy out of watching someone else's troubles or are you the type that constantly reflects on your own life and figures out things to work on. I hope and pray you're the second one.
If you read my blog at all, you can guess that I'm a guy who emphasises personal choice. It would be odd if God held us accountable to our choices if we were not the ones making them.
So what to do? We must choose to not spend our lives trying to feel better about ourselves by finding other people that are worse off than us. God bless Charlie Sheen. He needs prayer and help, but I don't need to spend my days watching 'news' stories about this guy. 
Reflect on that today. Pray- "God reveal to me what I need to work on" and watch what happens. 
Be blessed
pastor matt 

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

1 comment:

  1. That'll preach! Oh seems like I just heard some good preaching about change.
