Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Lesson... brought to you by Trix

Trix is part of this balanced breakfast....we've all heard that before right? I had an interesting interaction with my kids this morning, I thought you might find humorous.

I'd like to take this opportunity, before sharing, to use this forum to declare that when I was a child, I NEVER got sugar cereal. I was raised on corn flakes, cheerios, and rice crispies. Mind you, my brother and I would shovel spoonfuls of sugar on the cereal anyway, but we never had the "fun" sugar cereals when we were kids. Yes. I'm bitter about it. My mom reads this blog, so Mom, I love you, but any psychological missteps I may have in my life are due to the fact that I lived a deprived life without good sugary cereal that had good toys in the box and enough sugar to rot the teeth out of my head. There, I said my piece, lets move on.

This morning my little angel daughter faith fluttered her little angel wings into the kitchen and asked me to pour her a bowl of cereal (Trix). Me, being the wonderful provider that I am went to the pantry, grabbed a box and began to pour.

My other child, the Angel Gabriel, who was putting on his little angel wings for the day in the other room, used his subsonic hearing to recognize that there was a bowl of cereal being poured in the kitchen. Before I could even get the milk poured on it, Gabe runs out in the kitchen and asks "who's box are you pouring from"? "what"? I asked, " Mommy bought us our own box, don't give Faith my cereal"

My little angels then proceeded to both grab the bowl of cereal, scream and yell at who's bowl was who's, who's box yadda yadda yadda ITS CEREAL! I had a good mind to take it all away. "I NEVER GOT SUGAR CEREAL WHEN I WAS A KID" I said. "YOU BETTER WATCH IT, OR YOU'LL GET NOTHING". These kids were digging their heels in. This bowl of Trix began to become their "Alamo" a last stand if you will.

I was quite amazed at the fight that ensued from a bowl of Trix. It all ended up OK, i had to pour some cereal from another box. But it got me to think about that bible story about Jacob and Esau when they were fighting over a bowl of porridge. Esau was willing to give up his inheritance for a bowl of soup. Not a great idea, but its what happened.

Sometimes we're like my kids and Jacob and Esau. We find the smallest thing to cling onto that becomes our complete focus in life. We find this one thing, this one interaction and it consumes all of who we are and what we're about. We get angry and fight and the like.

Don't get so mad about little stuff that doesn't matter. Its OK if you don't get that parking spot, the big piece of chicken, the last piece of the pie. Its not that big of a deal. There is more than enough to go around. God knows you. Where you are at. What you need. He wants to bless you. Don't go and try to steal someone else's blessing just because you're worried you wont get yours. There is more than enough Trix to go around.

be blessed

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