Monday, November 3, 2008

Been a few days

Sorry its been a few days since I've written on the blog. I guess after the flying experience I had a hard time coming back down to the ground.

Did you know my brother works for a closet company? He works for California Closets. They are a real high end closet company. My brother is a designer for them. Usually his closets run between 3k and 10K. They are really nice closets, but I don't have one. I go the "shelf and rod" route.

The sales tag line for CC is "simplify your life". Basically, their sales premise is that when you start your day with a nice organized closet, it makes the day go a whole lot better. With their closets, you know where everything is, and are supposed to have a simpler life because you are not as frazzled in the morning as you're trying to find matching socks as you're whisking out the door.

I can't afford a 10K closet, but I want my life simplified too. I've been praying to God asking him to simplify my life. Boil it down, get back to basics, all those things. Life, even in the church can become very confusing and lacking direction, so I don't want to be headed in the wrong direction.

I want to share with you what the Lord has been sharing with me. Are you ready? He shared with me a simple phrase from his word: "Jesus Christ and Him crucified". Man. That will preach for years wont it?

The phrase "Jesus Christ and him Crucified" encompasses the essence of the Christian walk. The focus of our desire, the impetus for change, the encouragement for weary souls, the hope of all nations. Simplified. One single phrase.

Have you been allowing yourself to be pulled in the wrong direction spiritually? focusing on things you shouldn't and worrying about things that don't matter? Simplify your life today. Realize that the God who created you sent a Savior to save you from yourself. Your life's meaning and calling can be found in the simple phrase: "Jesus Christ and Him crucified".

Remind yourself of that today. As you work remember that the essence of the Christian walk is found in the cross. Don't allow people or circumstances to pull you away from that. It will help keep you focused.

Missed you. Have a great week. Be blessed. Stay dry.


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