Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not a Typical day off

Have you ever been afraid of something? Maybe afraid isn't the best word. What I'm talking about here, is have you ever had something that you were afraid to do and when you thought about it, it literally gave you anxious feelings in your body?

To me, the thought of flying an airplane is just that. The thought of sitting in a cockpit, and having my hands on the controls utterly terrifies me. The mere thought of it makes me have to get a drink of water.

I've done a lot of things in my life. Somethings that other people may think are hard or scary, but nothing in the world can compare to the thought of flying a plane.

I don't know why that is. Maybe its because its so foreign to me, or because I don't trust planes or whatever. People who fly planes are algorithmic arithmatic Rhoades scholars who are friends with Stephen Hawkings. Tall preacher types with large foreheads do not fly planes.

Until yesterday. Yes. I flew a plane yesterday. I wasn't expecting it to happen, but a friend called me yesterday to see if I could go on a flight with him at 5pm. I never expected that when I went that he would let me fly. I really didn't expect that when we were on the runway that he would tell me to put my hands on the yoke and be the one to pull back and get us up in the air. I WAS FLYING AN AIRPLANE!!!!!!! Screaming, yelling school boy excitement as I lofted into the air. WOW WOW WOW. Its almost unexplainable what it feels like. It was awesome. One of the best experiences of my life. It was great.

Before yesterday, I wouldn't believe you if you told me that I could overcome my fear by simply doing it. I was 3000 ft closer to the heavens yesterday and the Lord was there with me. Surveying the beauty of his creation and soaring over the Puget Sound I was fully aware of the fact that with God, you don't have to fear anything. No person, no problem, no fear. We're the ones who hold ourselves back from experiencing God's best for us. We're the ones who put limits on God. Not him on us. There is no limit to what He can do with us if we'll let him.

Don't be afraid to try something you are afraid of. Its rewarding. It gives you a great sense of accomplishment and awareness of God's ability to empower you.

God Bless you today.


  1. Preach on Brother Matt. I made Tami read this and I am hoping it sinks in, she is having a tough time with the bed rest thing and stuff.

  2. Matt
    We are soooo glad you put yourself out there and got to go flying!!! What a great inspiration!
