Sunday, October 5, 2008

3 services. One day

Whew. This has been a long day.

we got up early to go and get church set up for today. (some of you old school FVC people will remember those days of lugging stuff into the school- this place has about 40 stairs you have to go up.. we were blessed).

Elim has 3 services on Sunday. The first two are in english, and the final one is in Chinese.

There were about 75 people at the first service, and easily about 150 at the second. It was powerful!

Its funny how God works. As I was leaving for Ghana, Crystal told me to preach on communion, and I wasn't really thinking thats what i should preach on. Its a great message to preach, but its more of a teaching than a preaching. I was struggling with what to preach, and lo and behold, it was communion sunday today! After speaking with Pastor Ong, it became clear that communion was what i was to speak on today.

It went quite well. I think it was well recieved, which is not of much value except that I felt as though that was what the Lord would have me to speak on today.

This church is so great. There are people from literally all over the world that attend this church. People from all denominations, races, and countries in one room all praising God. The Christian Church has been divided too long. It was great to be in the same room worshipping with pentecostals and mennonites. Only in Ghana would this happen.

We met a girl from SPU (our alma mater) today at church. She is here as a school teacher. It was great to be able to connect with another american that is so close to where we are from. She was from Monroe Washington.

The chinese church was an experience. I preached through an interpreter again. I dont think that the chinese church really got my humor. I would tell a joke, but they would just look at me. Thats okay, I thought it was funny.

The trip is winding down. We have two more days here in country before beginning our travel home. Its quite sad acutally. We've made some great friendships here very quickly. Its great to be able to make those kind of connections with people. The people here are so wonderful, so loving, so accepting. Its a pure joy to be here. I am sad to leave.

we'll still post over the next few days before we go. I'm sure we'll have a few more adventures.

God bless you.
matt and corbett


  1. Hi there Son,
    I have so enjoyed your blog and have passed it on to people you don't even know. It struck me as awesome that we celebrate World Communion Sunday today and there you are preaching on communion, in Ghana. We prayed for you in church today and they laughed about the Fanta. Pastor Katie referrered as the champagne of Africa. Love to you, be careful. Your Mom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello there!

    I will be leaving the U.S. to head to Accra in November and I hope that I will be able to meet other American missionsaries when I arrive!

    I am so happy to have found your blog and hope that you will provide links to the blogs of the missionsaries in Ghana that you have met!

