Friday, October 24, 2008

I promise I'm not reaching

I promise you that I am not reaching for some sort of spiritual meaning in the seemingly benign things that go on during my life.

The reality is that the stuff that I can share here can usually only be limited to such interactions seeing how I cant really share the inner-workings of church politics or interactions that I have with my parishoners. Its kind of a no-no to share personal information about your parishoners on the web. For some reason they seem to frown on it. Go figure (obviously I'm joking here).

Before I share with you an insight for today, I want to be completely clear- I have not decided to run a marathon yet. I am in the "thinking about it" phase. Meaning, I'm thinking about it. I'm at about 60 percent there. Its a big deal to make that decision, so I'm still working up the courage to make the commitment.

That being said, I was on my walk this morning with my dog and my wife thought it well that we should do a bit of joggin in the midst of our walk. I got to tell you. Joggin in 37 degree weather isn't the funnest thing. Even the slightest increase in respirations burns your chest and throat. I honestly didnt even run that much. I just increased my speed a bit more from a fast walk. But it hurt.

Whats the application? Increased activity on the human body brings a painful response. Its like that with most things. Including spiritual things.

When you take one step closer to God, the devil comes at you with all he has to try to discourage you and keep you from growing. Like physical activity, spiritual activities are very important to your personal well being, but when you do them, they dont usually make you feel better right away.

Getting less sleep to get up in the morning to pray is a drag until you get used to it. After that period, you get used to the decreased sleep, and you begin to long for the time of prayer, because you realize what an improvement it makes in your spiritual life.

I hope running will do that for me... eventually I'm sure.

push yourself. go past your comfort zone. be willing to do something that doesnt make you 'feel' good immediately and watch how it will help you improve in the long run. Get up and pray. Go to church. Call a friend. Read your bible. Go for a walk.

God has a wonderful plan for your life. Believe it. His word declares it.


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