Monday, October 27, 2008

That was some gooood preachin'

I heard a really good message yesterday.. wait... it was the message I preached yesterday.

Preaching is an interesting thing. There are times when I preach and I think "wow. that was some good preaching" and I get zero feedback. There are other times when I think "wow. i really tanked that one" and people tell me what a great message it was. Its not why I preach, but its a part of being a preacher that you may not know.

Why am I telling you all this? Because I really think that yesterday's message at church was powerful. Not necessarily because I spoke it, but it was more the direction that the Holy Spirit took it yesterday. It really was a bare-bones Gospel message, and I have to tell you, it encouraging to hear the Gospel, time and time again. I never get tired of it. Forgiveness of Sins, hope for the lost, reconciliation.

I think sometimes Christian people forget the basic truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ- Jesus came to reconsile man to God. It is what Jesus did for us on the cross that makes that possible.

When we go through trial and tribulations, its easy to begin the process of self-depreciating thoughts and actions because of the effects of the current situation we're in. Usually we spend alot of time thinking and worrying and wondering instead of spending time abiding in the Lord. Do you realize that it doesnt matter what you are going through, that God is there in the midst of it?

When you were an alien to God, and not in his family, He called you to Him through his love. How much more love does He have for you now that you are his son or daughter? He doesn't pull away during these times, he pulls you in closer. Reflect on that truth when you're going through it. Abide in His love. Rest in His glory. He's got all you need babay!

Don't let the world confuse the basic truths of God's word. Its love. Lots and lots of love. For you and for others. The bible says if we dont love, we dont know God, so walk in that today and go out and love someone!

Have a blessed day. I will.


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