For a Seattle morning, it doesn't get better than this.
We have had a pretty lame summer this year, but the last week has been beautiful. That is, if you think beautiful is a lack of rain and lots of sunshine. It has been quite different than the weather that we have had the rest of the summer.
On days like this, I sleep with my window open in my bedroom, and wake up to the smell of the outside and the coolness of the morning. I find that when it is sunny, and dry and warm, I wake up with a different spirit.
I wish it weren't that way.
I am not trying to take the fun out of today- but here's the reality- the dreariness of a cold dark wet morning is looming right around the corner. Ask any Seattlite and they will tell you. Its sunny, but rain is around the corner.
The truth is that the weather shouldn't dictate my happiness.
Every day, regardless of weather, should be started positively with a spirit of expectancy. Its a spirit that says "God, I know you are going to do great things today, and I want to be part of it".
I was reading the psalms this morning and found this verse " In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice, in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" (psalm 5:3).
The important part of that verse is this- "I lay my requests". I think that is the key to a great day- connecting with God and letting him know your desires for the day. Don't be afraid to talk to him about what is going on or what you need. Because, here is the second part of that verse- "expectation".
Expectation is assurance that something is going to happen. Its not just that you have made your requests to God, its that you expect that He is actually going to act on that request. That great things are going to happen in your day because you have connected with the creator of the Universe, and He will move.
Have a great day today and every day when you talk to God every morning and expect Him to move. Don't just merely trudge through the day and get by- spend time with God and watch your day flourish regardless of the weather.
Sunny is good. But its not the only way to have a great day.
Expect God to MOVE!!!
be blessed
pastor matt