Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Blog Is BACK

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes. It takes a while for me to 'get something' that God is trying to speak to me. Often, I am either not listening, or not paying attention (sounds like High School) to what He is trying to say, or I am choosing to not listen. 

I haven't written the blog in about 7 weeks. I know. I've been a slacker. 

A few weeks ago, I was in Pasco, Washington, and was at a family friends house. I met this lady who introduced herself and said "Hey, where has the blog been?". 

What? Someone other than my mom reads the blog?

About a week ago a new couple came to visit our church on a Wednesday night they told me that that had been reading my blog and decided to come to church, but hadn't seen in it a while so they decided to come to church and see if I was still alive. 

Yesterday my friend Chris put me on blast on Facebook and encouraged me to get back at it. 

I think I'm getting the point. I'm going to get back to the blog. 

Laying in bed this morning, I was thinking about what my blog return was going to be. Should it be epic? Should I quote a bunch of scripture? Include a picture? Lots has happened in the past weeks, but one theme kept coming in my head. This theme was directed towards me, but I'm sure in your life, it applies also-

The little things you do matter. 

I'm no superhero. I have been known to give into self-defeating self-depreciating self loathing thoughts. When that happens, I beat my self up and think that the little things I do don't matter. I begin to think that they are fruitless and pointless. I believe the lie that the little things have no value, when the truth is that they do matter.

The little things matter in my life and they matter in yours too. I'm sure of it. 

God can strategically use your personality and your connections to bless someone else's life. The trick is that you actually have to do it. You have to talk to those people at work that you pass by every day. You have to encourage that neighbor who doesn't have any close family. You have call that person that has been on your mind. You have to write the blog Matt. 

Don't fall into the trap of believing that what you do in other people's lives doesn't matter. It matters a lot. 

Live that out today. Find someone to encourage and someone to bless. Don't worry about if they will receive it or not. Just be obedient to who God wants you to be and you will find that you will be blessed in the process. Think about something that you used to do that you thought was fruitless and start doing it again. 

The little stuff you do matters. I'm sure of it. 

Be blessed. 
I've missed you
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog