Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Computer is Talking to Me

I think computers are pretty smart. Maybe too smart. I'm not saying that we are half a step away from our computers becoming self aware, but they are definitely smarter than the Apple IIe I used back in the day to play Oregon Trail. 

I'm not sure if you have figured this out yet- but your browser for the world wide web 'learns' over time. Yep. If you search for something on google or something like that, your computer has 'cookies' that file away what you search for and then 'they' put forth advertisements that 'they' think you will click on. (you can clean out your cookies by the way). 

Its rather interesting to see what advertisements come up all the time for me- some of which totally apply to me, and some of which do not. 

Disneyland- I see Disneyland advertisements every single day. I am sure there is someone in the home office who is personally sending those because they know "The Krachunis family will eventually come, keep putting those up". The ads say things to me like "its not too late for some summer fun!'.

Netflix- I'm already a customer, but apparently they know I've been searching for alternatives, so they must be trying to keep me.

"Maple Valley Mom Makes $1,734 a month sitting at home"- I have been seeing this one for years. I haven't searched for this one before, but sure, I'd love to make that much money for doing nothing. Haven't clicked yet, but it just may work. 

Cruise Deals- I searched about some cruise stuff a while back and they are still trying to get me. 

Camera Stuff- I am always looking at camera stuff. New lenses, new flashes. All that gear is fun to look at. 

All of these attempts to advertise to me have yet to influence my purchase. Maybe it will overtime, but as of yet, I am holding strong. This is what I will say- 

They are relentless, and they have learned what I like. Or at least what I search for on the internet. 

What's the point? 2 Corinthians 2:11 says "in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes". Satan is somewhat like your web browser. He learns what you like and what you will gravitate towards so he uses it against you. 

Let me explain- as sure as there is a God, there is the Devil. In the spiritual realm, the forces of evil do whatever they can to to try to entice us to stay away from the things of God. They will use whatever they can and do whatever is necessary to pull us away from the Lord. 

We must not be unaware. We must not give in. 

So how do we do that? Be aware that you are being enticed. Pay attention to your 'triggers' that pull you away from God and stay away from them. If there are things that you do or places that you go that pull you away from God, don't do them, or don't go there. Its that simple. 

Its a scheme of the evil one. Be aware of it. Put some simple controls in your life to keep you from those things and you'll find that your spiritual life stays more in tact. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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