Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today is the Day!

so... here we go! Its been quite a few months in the planning, and the day of departure has finally arrived. I slept great last night, which to me seemed odd, since I'm typically not a good sleeper the night before a big trip. I've got everything packed. You know, important stuff like malaria pills and bug spray. I went to walmart last night and bought a webcam, so it looks like i'll be able to 'skype' with the family while I am there, we'll see. If you have skype, send me your address and I'll try to call you. if you want to email me while I am there, use krachunis at gmail.com (you'll have to type that into your email program)

What I am reminded of most today is the scripture from Matthew 28: therefore go! Its not easy to go, its so counter-cultural to leave where we are at to go somewhere that we've never been to minister to someone we've never met. But somehow, in God's infinate wisdom he knew that missions are important to the people that will recieve the word, and to those who are willing to go.

I'm excited to see how He will move on this trip. Please pray for Pastor Ong, Corb and I. Pray for the people in Ghana.

We leave from SeaTac today at about 1255. Pray for a safe trip.

Much love to you all. keep looking for updates -matt


  1. Fellas, have an amazing and safe journey. I will be thinking of you while you're there.

    Chris Bothel

  2. I hear the drums echoing tonight
    But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
    Shes coming in 12:30 flight
    The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
