Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hanging on the tro tro


From this point on, please go to the above address to see pictures from ghana. For some reason, this computer I am on has problems with us uploading pictures to the site. I figure that people want to see more than one or two pictures, so please use that address to find them.

Sorry I didn't write in the blog yesterday. The day kind of got away from us, and by the time i got home, i was real tired.

We went to Makola Market yesterday. It was, needless to say, and experience like no other. Maokola is the outdoor market in downtown accra. It is is the busiest, crowdiest, most aromatic (both positive and negative) place i have ever been to in my entire life.

we took a cab down there- the "walk by faith not by sight" cab. Quite interesting. the cabbie thought it well to text while he was driving us there. Mind you, there are no stop signs or lights and potholes everywhere. I encouraged him to stop in my own special Matt way, and oddly enough he stopped and kept both hands at 10 and 2.

He dropped us off just outside the market and we walked on the side of the road towards the more populated area. I wish i could adequatley describe what this was like. Picture a sidewalk covered with merchants selling everything from soap to cow hoofs as thick as you can see, and then picture 2 heavy streams of people walking opposite directions on the same side of the street next to the curb, between the curb and cars. That was us. Car zooming by on one side, and no escape on the other. I think corb and I were the only ones who were apprehensive as people were weaving in and out and running between cars. THERE WAS SO MANY PEOPLE IT WAS CRAZY.

every where we went they called us "white man" and "broonie" and wanted to touch us and talk to us. They were selling shoes and belts and soap and chicken heads. SHOPS and SHOPS and PEOPLE and PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. It was like trying to push your way to the front of the line at an amusement park. Hot sweaty people everywhere. Trash on the walkways, water and other stuff oozing about. Pungent smells coming at you from all directions. And hotter than a texas outhouse on summer afternoon. Words honestly cant describe this. We must have walked for a good 2 hours and it never ended. we weaved through small corridors and walkways. Inside and outside, across streets, through traffic. It was mesmerizing. Then, to top it all off, our friend Kumi who was with us says, "you should come when its busy" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I cant even imagine.

While we were there we ate fresh coconut from a street vendor. He cracks it open, you drink the juice and then eat the inside. Quite good for about 30 cents. Then we ate some fried bread thing that girls carry around in boxes on the top of thier heads. it was good.

We visited a memorial to President Kwame who was the president that got Ghana thier independence 50 years ago. It was where he made the declaration of independence, and it is where he is buried. While we were there, we happened to meet the Secretary of State for Papau New Guinea. Of course I asked for a picture and we got one. Pretty cool.

We rode back to the house in a small bus they call a "tro tro". Small bus that seats about 10 people comfortably that they jam about 25 people into. Its hot and sweaty. Part of the experience they say. We went down to the market in the "walk by faith" cab and came home in the "in Jesus Name" Tro Tro.

To end the day, Kumi thought it well to have the tro tro drop us off on the opposite side of the freeway from our house, so we got to run across a 4 lane freeway. Another first.

After getting home, we went to a Lebanese Lifegroup from the church. it was great. had some lebanese food and fellowship. The meeting was awesome! 6 people gave their life to the Lord.

The people here are awesome. Very accepting, and loving. Not thinking about moving here yet, but the people here make you want to stay.

Pray you're doing well. Pray for us. We have another lifegroup tonight, and then I am going to preach tomorrow at a village church. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to Fall.

God bless you all.

Matt and Corb

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