Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One Year Ago

I celebrated a milestone this week. Its been one full year since I've went full time in the ministry. It went FAST. I really can't believe that it went by so quickly.

I have a natural tendency to reflect on things. And this is no different. As I look back on the past year, there are some really great things that happened, and some things I would have changed, but more than anything I can see that God has been faithful through it all. He's made it happen.

Thinking back to that first week I remember that I had all these great plans on how I was going to spend my week, things to get accomplished, and projects to undertake. Coming from a corporate job, into the ministry I was used to having tasks, and reports and the like. Naturally, I set up my week that way. I put different scales to grade myself on, set up a day by day calendar. Set up hour by hour plans. It was beautiful. I really thought that it would help the plan that God had put in my heart.

I'll let you know, it worked for about a day. Apparently the ministry cannot be confined to a schedule, or a spreadsheet. Usually my days never end up how I expected them. I always have a plan for what I want to get accomplished for the day, but usually it never ends up that way. Go figure. For some reason God in His infinite wisdom chose to throw my plans into to the wind and make sure that I was following His plans.

This doesn't sit well with someone who likes things to go a certain way. It was frustrating at times. But what I have learned is that God knows what He is doing. He has a plan. Its my job to implement His plan, not Him implementing mine. I may have some 'task' that needs to be accomplished, but He needs someone to be ministered to. I may have a 'project' that I want to work on, but he may need me to just sit and be still. Its frustrating at times, but I have learned to trust that He knows whats going on, even if it doesn't fit into my ideas of how it should be.

I'm sure there is some area of your life where you're sticking too much to the plan and not enough to the Lord. Ask God what area you can let go a bit of and let Him move. And then sit back and watch what he will do. Watch how he can move without your plan or actions, but move in spite of your plans or actions. He's God you know. All seeing, all knowing, all loving. He'll never let you down.

Hope you're having a great week.

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