Thursday, September 30, 2010

Have You Ever Felt Like Not Getting Out of Bed?

I used to work with this guy who said that when his alarm went off first thing in the morning that he would immediately jump out of bed, stand up, clap his hands and get excited about the day. He said that it kept him from pushing the snooze button and starting his day off lethargic rather than energetic.
That's one way to do it. The other one is set your alarm 45 mins before you actually have to get up and then hitting the snooze button half a dozen times before actually getting out of bed. Whatever floats your boat, they say. For me? Most days I set my alarm to get up and really don't want to get out of bed. Its not because I don't love my career, or because there is something I don't want to face. Its quite simple in fact- my bed is so soft and cozy, I just don't want to get out of it. It feels so nice.
Simply put, I just don't feel like getting out of bed.
I think there are a lot of things in my life I don't 'feel' like doing that I end up doing. Here's a quick list of things I usually don't feel like doing.
1. Getting out of bed (I said that one already)
2 Restricting what I eat
3. Going to the gym.
4. Answering email.
5. Holding my tongue.
6. Going to a party where I don't know anyone.
7. Helping someone move.
8. Cleaning up stuff around the house
9. Having a needed confrontation
10. Saving money.
I came up with that list in about 90 seconds. Its not hard. Those are just some of the things I don't feel like doing. I've got lots more. Spiritual and personal things I don't like to do also. But here's the deal- everything on that list. I do. Constantly. There's a lot more I should have on that list, but I'm making a point here, that I hope you're getting. We all do things every day that we don't feel like doing.
What's the point? Just because you don't FEEL like doing something doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it. Feelings are not a good indicator of whether or not you should do something. If we only did what we felt like doing, this world stop in about 3 days. Because no one would go to work.
The application? Realize that in your life, today and every day until you die, there will always be things that you should do, even if you don't feel like it. Here's the trick- and maybe my friend was on to something- we can choose to tell ourselves that we want to do it. That we like to do it, and even go so far as to declare that we are excited about doing all those things that we don't feel like doing.
Here's what will happen. You will find that usually the times that you are feeling the most like not doing something, God will use that opportunity to show you something about Him or yourself that will be a blessing. Its amazing how many times I have seen people who, out of pure obedience, do what they are supposed to do, not what they want to do, and God blesses them for it.
Try it this week. Do all those things that you don't want to do, that you should be doing and watch the blessings that pour into your life- you'll be amazed.
Be blessed
pastor matt.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is President Obama a Christian or a Muslim?

Its been going on for quite a while now, people all over the nation are constantly bringing up that they believe that the President is a Muslim. Of course on the other side, there are people who say that he is a Christian. Its been quite a contentious debate lately. Is he or isn't he? Does he go to church or doesn't he? Inquiring minds want to know.
Here's an article that I found about the subject that may interest you if finding the religion of our President is something important to you. Read it Here. Its an interesting article. You should read it.
I'm sure a few of you are reading this blog because of the title. Hoping that I would use my blog as a means to push forth an agenda or political rant for or against our President.
Not today folks. Today, its on you.
Sometimes I wear this shirt, and on the back it says, "Accused of being a Christian? Is there enough evidence to convict you?" Sure, its a Christian T-shirt, not a Bible verse, but I like the sentiment of it. There seems to be a thought amongst many Christian's today that our faith as Christians is a personal faith that exists only in our hearts, not in our words or deeds. I don't think that is true.
If you are a person who believes in Jesus and considers yourself a Christian, and you became President, would people have to wonder about your faith, or would it be so clear that there would be no questions. Would a reporter from a paper, after talking to your family and friends have no problem confirming your faith, or would they struggle to find any evidence?
I agree, its not about evidence, its about faith. The evidence doesn't make you a Christian, your faith does. But no one wonders if I am into cycling because I don't own a bicycle.
My thought is that If you eat enough of the bread of life, there will be some crumbs lying around.
How to apply it today? Don't go around making up stuff to convince people that you're a Christian.  Just remember if you are, to not hide it or conceal it. Trying to discern the faith of our President has exactly zero ramifications on your own faith. If what you believe doesn't match up with who you are, that is not a good thing.  The Bible teaches that we should let our light shine before world, and frankly we can't do it if no one knows what we believe.
Be the light.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shotguns, Poker and Friendships

I had the opportunity to get away for a little bit this past weekend and it was awesome. I have a really busy life, but I was able to go and spend Friday night with a group of college friends at a Duck hunting club.
For the past 8 or so years, there has been a group of us guys who know each other from our college days at Seattle Pacific University that get together once a year and spend the weekend camping or at a cabin or something. The time is usually spent trying to relive old college memories, catch up on family, and occasionally an attempt at hitting the other guy in the privates. I know, its seems crass that a bunch of grown men would do this to each other, but when you did it for 4 years in college, I guess old habits die hard.
It was wonderful. It wasn't just that we were able to use shotguns and shoot clay pigeons out of the sky, or playing a 5 dollar poker game. It was the fact that after being out of college for 13 years, I'm still able to connect with this great bunch of guys and still be a part of their lives. Every guys life is different, some have kids, others don't, people have different types of careers, but we're all still connected.
One of the guys said that they had told someone that we all still get together after all these years and that it was rare. I don't know if it is rare or not, but I love it. Some of the guys I talk to throughout the year, but for some of them, this is the only time we get to spend some time with each other and catch up.
As we were driving home it made me think- why do so many people struggle with making good lasting relationships?
I think I may have a bit of insight- here it comes- you have to make it a priority. Its not something that happens by accident. Sure, you may become friends with that neighbor across the way that has lived there for years, but you still have to stop and talk to them when you come in or out of where you live.
People who have strong lasting relationships make it a priority in their lives to connect with other people.
Do you have good relationships with other people? Do you make connecting with others a priority? If not, you should. Its so enriching to share life with other people and connect with them on a personal level rather than a superficial level.
How do you that? Here's how- call them when you think about them. Send them a card. Join facebook. Go to church. Stop by unexpectedly. When you're in town, no matter how busy, stop by for 15 minutes just to say hi.
God created us for relationship, He never intended for us to isolate ourselves and be alone. Even Jesus had friends. People that he hung out with and spent time with. I'm sure they didn't stand around and play crass games like a bunch of old college guys do, but he still made connecting with people a priority.
Get connected. Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, September 24, 2010

Going To The Gun Show (and some cotton candy!)

Last night was our kids open house at the school. I don't know how it happened, but I got collared to work the cotton candy machine. It was actually pretty fun. I've never worked a cotton candy machine before. There were times I felt like it was going to get away from me, and I was going to be covered in the fluffy pink sugar, but I kept it together. Yay me.
The machine was in the lunch room of the school, where they had pizza and popcorn for people to buy, so there was a few hundred people in the room. Because of where I was standing, and my height, it put me in a perfect position for some good people watching. I love to watch people. Study what they do, watch the family interactions. See how kids respond to each other. Its fascinating to me.
Well last night was no different. I saw this guy (whom I have never met or been introduced to) who I have seen at probably half a dozen school functions over the past 1.5 years. I've seen him on field trips, class functions, open houses and plays at the school. I've also seen him at restaurants and stores around town also.
Every time I've seen that guy, no matter what the weather, he is wearing a sleeveless shirt. A 'muscle' shirt if you will.
The truth is, he's got 'em. He's got some meat hooks. Its clear that dude works out and has a nice set of guns. He must be plumber because he clearly has some pipes.
When I saw him last night, at the cotton candy machine, I thought to myself 'brother- somehow you're going to be my blog tomorrow'.
There are a ton of directions I can go with this, but here's where I ended up. Does it matter if that guy wants to wear muscle shirts every day? I'll tell you- no. Here's what I love- that guy wears what he wants and doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks. He's worked hard to get those biceps and by golly he and the world are going to get the chance to enjoy them regardless of the weather or social situation. I like it. Good for him.
I think that sometimes we spend far too much time thinking about what other people are going to think about what we wear.  I often think I should go 'Einstein' and wear the exact same think every single day. It would certainly make my life a whole lot easier.
Because here's the bottom line- God doesn't care what you wear. He cares about you heart. He cares about what's going on inside, not the outside. He could care less what you're wearing, He wants you to spend more time reflecting about what's going on inside you not outside you.
Jesus said  "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander". Wow. Pretty big stuff there. Lots about the heart, not much about the clothes. Maybe if we spent more time on the inside or the outside this world would be a better place.
Do a bit of self inventory today- do you spend more time on what's going on in your closet versus what is going on in your heart? Do you worry more about what people think about what you're wearing rather than reflecting on how you treat people?
Let spend more time focusing on the inside, and less on the outside. You can go the gun show anytime you'd like.
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Was Wondering If You Would Like This Bag of Garbage

I have a problem with keeping things that I do not use longer than I should. Sorry mom, but I think I get that from you. For some reason, the way I was raised, I was taught that its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. Because of that, I always find myself keeping stuff that I never use, or clearly don't need.
For example- I have two corrugated plastic pipes that go to my old pool pump. They're sitting in my garage, and I keep thinking I'll use them some day for a Halloween costume, or a retro-fit for a plumbing disaster. Every so often I'll pick them up and wave them around in the air and they make that 'woo-woo' sound. Its pretty slick. Its that kinda stuff.
Or its the old can of paint from that project 7 years ago that is that color I didn't like back then. There is also the old boxes of old clothes I'll never wear again and the boxes of old sheets.
I got to the point this past week where I cleaned out a bunch of that junk from my garage. Yep. It was hard, but I went through and found a whole SUV load of stuff I clearly didn't need or want and took it to the donation station.  It felt good to get rid of it. Now I have some room in my garage that I didn't have before.
It got me thinking as I was dropping thr junk off yesterday at the Goodwill.  I wondered why it is that people only give away the stuff they don't want to charity and think they're doing a good thing.
I know, its kind of a rough statement isn't it? But isn't it true? No one I have ever met ever has bought something new to take down to a donation station. We usually take our old worn out stuff or things that we do not want or need and donate them. After we do it, we have the audacity to believe that we've actually done someone a favor.
Sure, we've helped. They can use some of that stuff, but isn't it somewhat sad that we only give away our garbage? The refuse of our life that we don't really need rather than the best that we have?
From a spiritual perspective, I wondered if this is what we do sometimes with our relationship with God? Give him our leftovers?
Wow. I know, its a bit heavy for a Thursday morning, but it's what I got. We should be people that give our best. I'm not saying we need to go down to Best Buy and buy a flat screen TV to donate to a charity. I'm painting the picture that the reality of a lot of our giving isn't really giving if its only us getting rid of we don't want. When we decide that we're going to give time that we treasure, items we need, or money that we could use somewhere else, to someone who needs it, we honor God in the process. We truly live out the love of God and others in our life.
Do you give your best? Or only your refuse? Don't be a person that gives leftovers and garbage. Be a person that gives your best.
Be blessed,

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Had The Most Horrible Dream Last Night

I had the most horrible dream last night. One of those ones where you don't even know that your dreaming. It looks, feel, smells, and appears as if whatever is happening in your dream is your real life. Its no fun. Its emotional and painful and for some reason, a bit hard to unpack and understand.
I'll tell you what my dream was about if you save the Freudian interpretations for yourself- last night I had a dream that my wife left me when she went to her 20 year high school reunion. I know, it seems stupid to even say. Especially if you know Crystal and the relationship that we have. She'd go join a rap group before that would happen, and if you know Crystal you know the probability of that one. Its zero probability.
Save the mathematical interpretation of the dream for a min. For me, while I was asleep, what I was feeling in my dream was real to me. I was scared, angry, and emotionally dejected. I was weeping, crying and trying to understand what had happened and what was going to happen from here. I believed that what was happening to me at the time was true. Everything in my body and mind told me that what I was experiencing was real, except it wasn't. It was all a dream.
Here's where it gets interesting. We all have things that we believe that aren't true. Lies that someone has told us about ourselves. Falsities about God that aren't grounded in reality. Thoughts about ourselves that plague us with feelings of insecurity and doubt. We don't have to be asleep for these things to torment us. We go through it every day.
So what do you do with it? You don't believe it! You take the time to unpack it and go through it in your mind and realize that what you're believing about yourself or a situation isn't grounded in reality. How do we do that? With the Lord, with prayer, with a trusted friend. We open ourselves up to be vulnerable to a point where someone can help us to understand that what we are believing is not true, so that we will not be in emotional bondage to it. If you keep it to yourself, you can't be set free from it.
It was the first thing I did this morning when I woke up. I told Crystal what I had dreamed and she assured me I was just dreaming.  Sure, it was just some kooky dream, but even things such as that have a way of getting away from us.
Only believe truth. Believe the real stuff and don't allow the stuff that isn't real to consume your brain. You can't spend your life believing things that aren't true.
Be blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog