This morning, it has been a bit of a struggle, because it seems that no matter what I am doing to try to come up with a topic, I keep focusing on the pain in my back. I didn't injure it or anything, its just really really sore.
Yesterday I was at the gym and did some deadlifts with my friend Dan, and my legs and back are smoked.
I'm not sure the last time you went to the gym or worked out, but often when I am done I'll be remembering the workout for days. Not because it was momentous, but because of the pain in my body from it. For some reason, when that happens, it constantly goes through my mind- the pain in my body.
It makes me want to quit.
Now, this pain is self-inflicted, its not by accident or anything, but I'm sure you can agree that when there is some pain in your body, you're aware of it all day every day. You feel it when you get up, or move, or are just sitting there. Its a constant.
It makes you want to quit.
I wish there was something I could do to make it go away, but I think the only thing that will help is time. Time to recover. Time to heal.
Here's what happens when you are in pain- it has the possibility to consume you. You can spend every waking moment thinking about it, and focusing on it because it is so painful. It limits what you want to do, or can do, and you can spend too much time focusing on it.
It got me thinking- often emotional pain is the same way. It can become very painful and debilitating to the point where you are no longer able to function because of the focus on your pain. When this happens, you run the risk of being directed by your pain and your attempts to alleviate it. Emotional pain can be just as bad as physical pain.
People avoid pain, and pursue pleasure. So if there is something painful, you're going to run from it.
What's my point today? You can't let pain be your guide. Physical or emotional. Sure, it can give you an indicator of what you should or shouldn't be doing, but it can be a deceiver also. If the only guide in your life is your pain, you can be directed away from something that is critically important in your life- growth.
That's right. Sometimes when you're growing it hurts.
Now I don't describe to the 'no pain no gain' camp, but I do think that sometimes the growth in our lives can be painful. Its painful to change and have to re-evaluate where you are are at. Its not easy.
It might come through weight training, or spiritual growth.
Don't focus on your pain today, don't allow it to be your guide. Its a horrible compass. If God has birthed a vision and path for you, follow it regardless of the pain you may be perceiving. What you may find is that the pain will pass, and you'll grow in the process.
Pain is what it is, but its not what should direct your life.
Be blessed.
pastor matt
Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog