Friday, June 3, 2011

Yes Its National Donut Day. No I will not be having one.

As far as food is concerned, my favorite is the donut. Most people that know me know this, because, well, I really like them. I really think that if they didn't exist I would weigh about 40 lbs less, because I wouldn't have any food that I craved. Honestly there isn't a day when I would turn down a good donut. I could eat them every day. 

Today is national donut day and there are donut places all over this great nation of ours that will be giving away this manna from heaven. Free donuts. Did you catch that? To me that is like if a bank was giving away free samples. Who would turn that down?

The calls, the emails and the facebook posts are coming my way. People that know me know that I love them, so they are trying to help me out. God bless them. 

But alas, today I will not be taking part in this most momentous occasion. I will not ingest one single donut. 

I'm not protesting here, I'm just on this new fangled eating plan that is not allowing me to consume a fried ball of flour and sugar. I wish it was, but on this plan i'm on, I am restricted to eating those type of carbohydrates only two days a week, and today is not one of those days. 

Now understand, as I write this blog and share with you some insight I am not the shining example or pinnacle of restraint. I'm not speaking from a mountain of achievement or a platform of success. I am merely a fellow sojourner on a path of discovery. 

And here's the word for today- Delayed gratification. 

Actually that is two words, but you get the point. I was thinking about that this morning and realized how important delayed gratification is to be successful and how lacking it is in most people's lives. Most people want something right now, as soon as they can get it. Smart people realize that often when you delay some sort of gratification, in the long run, you're going to come out ahead. 

Wait to spend. Wait to eat. Wait to go there. Wait to buy that. 

Waiting isn't fun, but in the long run, its usually the best thing to do because then you get the bigger things that you want, not just a simple immediate satisfaction that it usually fleeting.

Am I making sense this morning? I hope I am. Here it is in a nutshell- In a lot of things, its good to wait, and better if you do. 

Is there something that you need to wait to do today? Are you getting ahead of God on something? Have you become a person who doesn't have the ability to wait? Make the decision today to put it off to the right time and watch what happens. 

More than likely you'll find that delaying your gratification will bring greater satisfaction in the long run. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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