I've been a wee bit sick for the past few weeks. Nothing huge, just a nagging cough and sniffle that seems to not want to go away. Last night, I couldnt' help it. I took some NyQuil- Ok, it wasn't NyQuil, it was the WalMart brand of Nightime Cold Remedy, but If I said, I took WalMart Cold Remedy instead of saying NyQuil, it wouldn't pack the same punch. Plus, NyQuil is like 2 dollars more. We buy on the cheap.
Anyway, when I take that stuff I have CRAZY dreams. They never make sense and always leave me scratching my head when I get up in the morning, wondering what they were all about.
Last night, I dreamt about a water leak in the roof of a house. In this house, which didn't have an old roof, water was dripping in from the ceiling, onto the floor. In my dream, I remember watching the water drip slowly, and then drip very fast. I ran to find a bucket, which was not easy to find, and placed it under the drip.
Placing the bucket under the drip was fruitless. The water came faster and eventually overtook the bucket. But in my dream, I just went looking for another bucket. I never went on the roof and fixed the leak. I just kept getting buckets expecting that the leak would stop. In the dream, I never fixed the root problem of the leak- I just fixed the symptom that the leak had caused.
Here's where it gets interesting. Yesterday, Crystal and I were talking about how people don't want to face reality. How there are numerous people whom we know who are in situations that they are either ignoring, or unwilling to face. I wonder if that's why I had that dream. Was it the conversation that we had yesterday that influenced this water leaking dream?
The dream and the conversation have value. There are alot of people who tell themselves something about their situation because they do not want to embrace the reality of the situation that they are actually in. I don't know if it is because of fear or because what they need to fix seems so insurmountable, but they just don't want to face what is actually going on in their life.
You would never sit in a house filled with smoke and tell yourself that the smoke will just go away. You would realize that the smoke was somehow connected to a fire. Then, you would respond.
What's the point? Is there an area of your life that needs immediate attention that you are ignoring or pretending doesn't exist? A health concern that you are afraid to diagnose? A relationship problem that needs to be addressed? A money problem that you should be working on? A life situation that if not addressed will get worse? A spiritual issue that you are denying?
Get to working on it. Quit denying it. It will not go away. It will get worse until you admit it, face it, and embrace it. Then, with God's help he can assist you in navigating through the process of making it right. Ignoring it will not make it go away. If you ignore it, it will get worse.
Here's another part of it. The people who are your closest friends see and recognize that there is a problem and want to help you. But you're not letting them by denying that the issue exists. Be honest with them and watch how they respond to help you through the root problem that you have. Not the symptom of the problem.
I know this blog is a little heavy today, but its real. Ask God if there is some lie that you are telling yourself because there is a reality that you don't want to face. When he tells you what it is. Work on it.
Be blessed
pastor matt
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