I don't smoke the Devil's cabbage. I have never even tried the stuff. I never even saw someone smoke it until I was in the Army. I never spent time with people who did things like that I guess.
I do pay tithes though. I've been doing that since I was High School. I fully believe in it. It is a cosmic thing that most people don't understand, but I do. I love paying tithes.
My brother sent me this video yesterday that is funny and sad at the same time- You can watch it here-
If you don't want the spoiler- watch the video before reading on- but here's what happens. Its on Family Feud and the question is "Name something that people pass" and the first guy says "a joint" and its the 5th answer on the board. On the other side, the lady answers the question to beat him, and says "the collection plate".
Passing a joint got more answers than passing the collection plate. Collection plate was the 6th answer.
I can't lie. Its a funny clip, but it struck a chord in my heart, a sad one. Not only did less people say 'collection plate' versus 'a joint' but the overall numbers were, out of 100 people, 8 said joint, 4 said collection plate.
Now listen, some people may say that that a preacher talking about tithing is like a dentist handing out candy at Halloween, but I do not see it that way. The truth is that every single person in this world loves their money and regardless of who says it- they don't want to give. They want more money and hate to give away any dollar that they don't have to. Look at the world- people turn in coupons for 25 cents.
To them, they see giving to the local church as an antiquated system that no longer applies. Somehow the church does what it does, the money comes from somewhere, but they are not sure where.
Understand this- every single church in America that you see. Every full time pastor that you meet. Every Salvation Army truck that drives by- exists because people give. Its the only way that it works.
Passing a joint never saved a soul. Passing the plate does it all the time.
If you attend a church you need to tithe. If you don't attend a church you need to find one to give to.
People want to change the world and to do that it takes money. Sure, you can go pick up trash in your neighborhood, but at the end of the day, someone has to pay to take that trash to the dump. Everything costs money.
Am I being self serving? I don't think so. I've got all I need. I'm not trying to line my pockets. I'm trying to encourage you to step out in faith and see what God does with the finances of people who give. I saw this video and thought- "man, I sure hope the blog readers are a higher percentage than the Family Feud crowd"
Reflect on that today. Ask yourself where your heart is in regards to giving. Give more. It will change you and the people around you.
Be blessed
pastor matt
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