Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Boy Was I Impatient! (pic included)

Have you ever wanted something really bad? Not something that you need, something that you want. Now, I know that there is a huge difference between the two of those, but I think that at some time or another, we all have something that we want. 

I got a new camera last summer and since then I have always wanted to get a new lens for it. Not a lens that I needed, but a lens that I wanted. Let's be honest, I didn't even need the camera. 

I may be a little different, but when there is something that I want, I zone in on it like a laser beam. I'll sit on the computer and read reviews and price shop it. I'll talk about it at the dinner table and lament about how different my life would be if I had what I wanted. 

Typically the people around me get bored about me talking about it. 

So I really wanted this lens for Christmas, and Crystal told me that I could get it for my birthday, so I waited. When February rolled around, I asked her if I could order it and she said 'no' because we didn't have the money. 

I figured she was messing with me and was going to surprise me, so I let it go. 

Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up in the morning, you'll never guess what Crystal got me- nothing. Not a thing. Not a card. Not a gift. No lens. I was a bit sad. I know I don't deserve it, but I really wanted it and was somewhat expecting it. When it wasn't there, I was a bit sad. OK, and a bit upset. Not a lot- a little. 

So what did I do? I went on Craiglist, found someone who was selling it and sent them an email telling them I would meet them and buy their lens. Dang nabbit- it was my birthday and if no one was going to buy me that for my birthday, I'd break my piggy bank and buy it myself. 

I sent the guy the email- but he didn't reply. But here's what did happen- Later in the day the UPS guy came and delivered my new lens! Crystal and the kids had chipped in and bought it for me and surprised me!

What a great gift. 

It made me think though- how often do we get ahead of other blessings in our life. How many times do we want something, or need something and instead of praying about it and waiting on God to bless us with it do we go and do it ourselves. Sure, I'm talking about a gift here, but I think that the principle still applies- don't get ahead of your blessing. Sometimes you have to wait for it and if you go and do it yourself, you miss out on the surprise and the blessing. 

Don't get ahead of God today. If there is something that you need or want, pray about it and leave it alone. Your blessing will come. You may just have to wait for it. 

There is no reason to get your blessing yourself off of craigslist. 

be blessed
pastor matt

ps. here's a pic with my new lens from last night. 

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

1 comment:

  1. How often do we make our Ishmael when God has always wanted us to have an Isaac. Good word Pastor Matt
