Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How To Make It Rain Every Single Time

From what I hear, there are people who know how to do "rain dances" to make it rain. It probably comes in handy when you need rain for crops or something. I don't know how to do a rain dance, which would be kinda cool. This is what I do know- if you wash your vehicle, it will rain in the next day or so. It happens every single time.

Am I right or wrong? Is this just a Seattle phenomenon, or is it something that happens all over the world? Somehow has God ordained that the washing of the vehicle has now become the way the rain starts? Does Al Gore know that washing cars is adjusting the weather of the planet? Where's my Nobel Peace Prize for this discovery?

Obviously I'm joking. Everyone knows that washing your car doesn't change the weather, it just seems like it does. Why? Because usually when you wash your car, it rains. That's why.

I learned something in college I'd like to share with you- I think I learned it in a psych class- "Correlation does not mean causation". Meaning, that just because two things are correlated, doesn't mean that they caused each other.

If you were watching television at your home and someone knocked on the door, would you assume that TV makes people knock on your door? If you were eating a hot dog and your favorite song came on the radio would you think that hot dogs change the song on the radio?

Here's the deal- we as people try to do whatever we can to make sense of the world around us. In the midst of doing that, we sometimes draw correlations where there really aren't any, or where there shouldn't be. We see things that happen at the same time, and want to understand why, so we try to see them as connected because it helps us understand this world.

I think sometimes people include God in their assumptions too. I'm not saying that sometimes what we do doesn't influence God, or that God doesn't cause things. What I am saying is that I don't think its fair to group God into whatever assumptions that we try to make to help us make sense of our world, just because we are trying to make sense of them. Sometimes things happen that we don't understand. Sometimes it just rains, not because we washed our car.

What's my point? We all want our world to make sense, and sometimes it just doesn't. Things happen or don't happen in our life and we want to know the reason why the ended up that way. There may or may not be a reason, but it may not be known to us. Do you know what? That's OK. There is nothing wrong with not knowing everything. To not having an answer for everything.

You can know that God knows the answers even though we may not, and that's just fine.

Try this today- If there is something in your life that doesn't make sense or frustrates you about not knowing, give it over to the Lord. Let him know that you're OK with not knowing, and that its enough that He knows.

You don't have to know everything. Everything was not meant to be known.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. there's a verse that was very influential for me at a time when I really wanted to have some answers regarding my life circumstances...Deut.29:29

    "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law."

    It's ok that God knows what's going to happen. I know that He has my best interests at heart.

