Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Anyone Can Change. Anytime.

As a societal norm, people like people who are nice. People like people who are loving, caring, forgiving, and fun to be around. Most people enjoy the company of someone who has a positive attitude and an outlook on life that looks for the best, not the worst. In my short 35 years, I've yet to meet someone who is mean spirited, has a negative attitude, a poor work ethic and is vindictive that people like. No one says "Man, I sure love Mr. McClatchy he's such a sour existence of a man". It just doesn't happen.
No one likes mean people. They may tolerate them, or allow them into their lives because of circumstance, but seldom does a person seek out relationship with these types. Typically, they are stuck with them, not choosing them.
I've never understood sour people. I can appreciate that during a time of mourning, or a difficult season of life that a person may not feel on top of the world. I get that. But when a person lives a constant lifestyle of self loathing and negativity, I struggle to see what the deal is.
As a Christian and human being, I realize that these people need love and that I am called to love them, regardless of their disposition. The Bible says I have to love them. It doesn't say I have to like them.
I think what sour people don't grasp is that they can choose to make a change in their life whenever they are ready. I think they just don't realize it. Somehow they are stuck in the muck of their own despair to the point of pulling others down into their emotional hole of destruction.
I've seen change in people's lives I've never thought possible. People who used to be mean who are now nice. People who used to hurt that now help. Those who used to destroy that now build up. Its possible!
Here's the key to the sour turnaround- quit being sour. I know, big huge spiritual idea isn't it? But I think its true. Today, you can choose to smile all day long. No one will force you to do so, you have to choose to smile. Here's the greatest part- with God's help. he can turn any one's life around, if they will let Him.
The ability that God has to make someone into a new creation is amazing. He is in the people changing business. He changes mourning into dancing and pain into joy. He takes the wretched of the Earth and sets them up on a pedestal. He changes lives, but, you have to let Him. You have to spend time with Him and allow Him to influence you in such a way that it changes your persona and your outlook. He will do it, if you will let Him.
Are you sour? Stop it. Decide today to allow God to change you into a person who influences the world with love and joy, not hurt and sadness.
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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