Friday, November 12, 2010

Talking, Excercising, and Having Sex

Yea. I said it. SEX. Who would think that a pastor's blog would include such a subject? This one would, that's for sure.
I comb the Internet for news articles all the time that would be 'blog worthy' and this one is top notch- read it- its about happiness and the things that we do that make us happy, and not happy.
Things that make us happy-
1. Sex
2. Exercise
3. Talking
Things that don't make us happy-
1. Using a computer
2. Resting
3. Working
Now, as a Pastor, I wish that going to church or praying would have made the top three, but in this case, it didn't. Probably because the study was done with iphone users, and we all know that people of faith use Blackberry's and Droids, so that's probably where that disconnect is. Anyway, here's my take on it.
From this study, the 3 things that make us happy all include connection and movement. Sitting around doing nothing with no one gets you no where. 
Talking about sex is fun and all, but here's the biggest part of the study that I think is important to note- it says, "people spend about half of their time thinking about being somewhere else, or doing something other than what they are doing, and this perpetual act of mind-wandering makes them unhappy". A wandering mind makes you unhappy- meaning, that when you think about things that you dont' have, or you places you wish you were, you get unhappy. Pretty simple, isn't it? But isn't it also something that we all do?
Raises the question- what do you allow you mind to think about during the day? What do you think about? What do you focus on? Do you spend your days thinking about what you don't have, or where you wish you were? Or do you spend more time thinking about the blessings that you have right now, the things that you do possess that you can be thankful for.
Here's my recommendation- if you're married, you need to be having some sex with your spouse ( from a Biblical perspective- sex is for married people- gotta throw that in). . Secondly, married or not, you should be doing some sort of exercise, and of course, you should TALK. Spend some time in conversation with people around you and watch what it does for your mood.
Most importantly I agree with this part of the study- we should focus on the things in our life which are good- the book of Philippians says "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things"
Think about good things. Not bad things. Don't let your mind wander. Go have sex with your spouse, exercise and talk.
God never intended for us to be disconnected people who sit around and do nothing. He created us for action and connection.
be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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