Thursday, November 11, 2010

Paid in Blood

I wasn't going to write a blog today, so this may be a bit short.
Trying to articulate something to say that will have meaning on a day like Veterans day is a challenge. I think its all been said before. When I think about Veterans day, I think about the cross that Jesus was crucified on. I know, it seems odd that these two events are connected, but let me explain.
When I finally understood what it meant when Jesus died on the cross, I could not longer deny it. It changed me. I couldn't ever look at the world the same because of what He did and what it meant. Because of the crucifixion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, I am compelled to live my life differently. I must. I can't hide from the facts.
I feel the same way about Veterans. What they have done and what they provided for me as an American is epic. How dare I shame the blood of the patriots that have gone before me and provided the freedoms that I have. Because of their sacrifice, there are certain things, easy things that I think every American should do.
1. Shut your mouth when the National Anthem is being played. Quit walking around, take your hat off and show some respect.
2. If you don't want to put your hand over your heart when people say the pledge of allegiance, stand up and shut up.
3. Every time you meet anyone who has ever served in any branch of the Armed Services, thank them for their service.
4. Don't ever bad mouth America or talk about moving to Canada. Quit talking about it. Move already.
5. Being disrespectful of America isn't patriotic. The blood that Veterans shed over the centuries was never intended for you to burn flags, cuss at politicians, and shame veterans.
If you haven't served in the US Armed you probably wont fully understand these gripes. If you have served, and don't agree with me, you should go back to boot camp. Apparently you weren't paying attention.
When someone does something for you, such as dying on a cross for your sins, or going across the world to some pit of destruction to provide some freedoms for you, it should change how you live. It should affect you.
No one liked watching the movies "The Passion of The Christ" and "Saving Private Ryan". But you should watch them. You should watch them, be uncomfortable and queasy. Why? Because what you have, who you are, and what you are able to do did not come cheap. It was bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and scores of patriots that you will never meet.
be blessed.
pastor matt.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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