Friday, July 10, 2009

How Can You Jam, if You Can't Hear It?

Yesterday, a guy from my church and I went to Guitar Center in Tukwila to get the Church's guitar fixed. We've only had it for about a month, but it was acting up, so we wanted to take it back to see if we could exchange it, or at least get it fixed.

We got there at about 955am, because we thought it opened at 10, but no, it didn't, it opened at 11am, so we spent some time roaming around the mall, looking at shoes and inhaling the pungent cologne smell that wafts from the Hollister store.

We got back to the store, and were sitting in front of the door, when one of the employees came up to get in for work. We had been talking to another guy, who asked him if he was the manager, and the guy said that he was the guitar repair guy.

In good Matt fashion, I asked him about our guitar, even though the place wasn't open yet, and he wasn't on the clock yet. We opened our trunk, and showed him the amp and guitar, and he said, "more than likely you've got a bad cord".

When the shop opened, we went inside, and sure enough, the guy was right. The cord that we had that connected the guitar to the amp was no good. It was a real easy fix, all we had to do was buy a new cord.

I meet alot of people in my travels. As a pastor, what I hear alot of people tell me, is that they want to grow closer to God. To grow spiritually. To get back on track, to learn more about Jesus. It comes in different statements, but its all the same, they want to be somewhere spiritually, that they currently are not. And the big question is how.

Yesterday's adventure at Guitar Center illustrates a point. If we were guitar, and we wanted to connect with an Amp(the amp representing God, because an electric guitar without an amp is useless), we would need a good cord, to make a good connection.

What would this cord be made of you ask? Its simple,once you know who God is, you maintain that connection with a braided cord of prayer, scripture, worship at church, service, and giving. People want to know the way to get connected, that's it.

Its quite simple actually.The concept of connectedness with God can be understood in the simplicity of a braided cord. You just have to make sure you're using one that isn't broken, or else you'll never make that connection.

Get connected and stay connected. You'll grow spiritually.

Bless you

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