Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Is There Someone Living in Your Attic?

Interesting story out of Pennsylvania. Apparently a family had a 21 year old man living in their attic for a week without their knowledge or consent. He had been evicted from a neighbors living area, that had a shared attic. He was also taking things from the house when they were at work.

Pretty interesting. I wonder what that guy was doing up there all day. Especially in the summertime. My attic gets real hot up there, even on moderately warm days. With no air, refrigeration, or television, what did that guy do to occupy his time while he was up there? Dress up in Christmas decorations? Make sculptures out of insulation piles? Pull-ups on the trusses? What a life.

Makes me wonder, why would someone live in an attic, and most importantly, how did this guy pull this off without the family knowing for over a week? Was it possible that their house was so loud that they couldn't hear a cough or a walk over the ceiling? Was their life so hectic that it was impossible to notice a creak from above or to recognize that something had been taken from their house? Its a weird story about the guy, but to me, its even weirder that it went on for a week with no knowledge of the owners of the house.

I guess to realize that there may be someone living in your house that you may not know about or want may not be the easiest thing. Maybe their house was never quiet, or orderly enough to recognize that something was different. Perhaps the television was on too loud all day long, or they spent more time talking than listening. Its completely possible that they may have heard something and were afraid to investigate, or denied that there may be something wrong.

Is there something living in your attic? Literally or figuratively? Has your life become so hectic that you've allowed something to start living in your house that you don't want there, or shouldn't be there? Is your life so loud, fast and disorderly that you've lost the ability to realize that something may be living with you that you don't need there?

Take a spiritual inventory today. Sit in your house, be quiet and listen to what's going on. You may find that there is some stuff in there that shouldn't be there that you should get out of there. Sure, you may realize that there is some weirdo living in your literal attic, but you may also find that you've got some univited guests in the attic of your mind, or the spiritual rafters of your house.

You don't need the uninvited guests of worry, shame, fear, guilt, or anger anywhere near your house. It takes some silence and reflection to allow God to reveal them to you. After reflection, if you find them, get them out of there. They'll steal more from you than any attic dwelling nutcase will.

Be blessed

here's the news story

1 comment:

  1. Marilyn A.
    It is amazing how and what God can do when we are quiet and listening for and too His voice. We get wrapped up in life that we forget who gave us that life. He ( God ) can move mountains and take care of life if we only ask or be quiet enough to hear then listen.Listening and hearing are two very different things. One hearing no action, listening you take action on it.Great blog!
