Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dealing With Difficult People

We have all had difficult people in our lives. As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm thinking that I may have been the difficult person in someones life. Its possible. Difficult people are those whom you may know quite well, or may merely be an acquaintance. But they make your life difficult. Uncomfortable. Painful.

The most difficult people are those whom have some element of control in your life. A boss, a team member, a family member. Its those people that you have to interact with, not those people that you can kindly distance yourself from.

I have a friend who has had a difficult person in their life for a few years. The relationship didn't start out difficult, but overtime it became quite difficult. They were friends, and partnered up in a business venture, that at the time seemed like a wonderful thing to do. What could go wrong?

It went quite wrong in fact. This partner turned out to be a self-serving individual that made it their personal mission to make my friends life a living you know what. It came to the point where this partner was suing my friend in court to have them removed from the company, questioning their integrity, and defaming their character in an attempt to destroy their life.

I've never been in a situation like that before, but it doesn't sound fun.

What did my friend do? Counter sue? Raise a ruckus? Nope. My friend prayed. Prayed that God would move in the situation. That this persons heart could be changed, that the relationship would be restored, and then finally, if that were not possible, for God to remove the person from the business.

Seem insurmountable odds that this person would change their ways, but here's what happened- they resigned their position in the company. It was amazing.

I can't go into too many details, because of who and what is involved, but understand this- people who are part owners in companies do not resign their positions. It just doesn't happen.

Here's what does happen though- God answers prayer. My friend was praying for God to move, and He sure did in this case. The best part? My friend was able to act in a way that honored God, and her own convictions. They didn't have to sue, defend or attack. They simply prayed for God to move in the situation, and the person resigned and their life immediately got better.

Here's the nugget for the day- when things are difficult in your life do you try and make them better on your own strength, or do you allow the Lord to work on your behalf? I love this verse- Psalm 143:9 Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD, for I hide myself in you.

The Psalms have a bunch of verses about God defending enemies. Allow Him to do the work for you today. Ask Him to change the heart of those difficult people. Pray that he will move in the situation and believe that things will improve.

Watch what happens.


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