I've been reading this book "The Power of Small". Its a pretty good book. I got it on audio at the library, so actually, I think I'm listening to it, not reading it.
In the book, they talk about usually people want big things to happen, so they focus on the big things, instead of focusing on the small. Their contention is that when we do small things, it makes a big impact.
Its quite revolutionary to a guy like me who always thinks big. They gave some great examples of how people have lost weight, grew their companies, achieved success, and generally achieved what they set out to do, simply because of something small.
Let me give you an example- I've been married for 12 years. Every year since I've been married, I've wanted a hot tub, and as of yet, I do not have one. An OK hot tub with installation is probably around five thousand dollars. I'm not sure where you are at financially, but 5K doesn't roll across my desk that often. I'm usually excited about a 20 dollar bill.
I want a hot tub- and I'm doing absolutely nothing to work towards that goal. I just keep hoping that a hot tub is going to somehow magically drop from the sky, which as of yet, has not happened. Here's the kicker- if I had been thinking small over the last 12 years, I could have a hot tub by now. I did the math, and 5K spread over 12 years is about 8.6 dollars a week. A little more than a dollar a day.
A dollar a day doesn't sound like much does it? But if I had been thinking small, I'd be on my way to hot tub by now.
So what have I been doing? Saving up my change and loose bills for a hot tub. I know its not a huge deal, and Its going to take a while, but I'm sure that with time, I can save up five grand. It may take me 12 more years but at least I'm on my way!
What the nugget for today? What's something big you want that you can do something small to get there? Want to start a prayer life? get up 5 mins earlier everyday for a week. Next month, get up 10 mins earlier. In a few months time, you'll be up a half hour earlier and be getting your prayer time.
Here's the deal- we all have things in our life that we want to change. The question is always "how are we going to get there"?. Think small, act small, and over time, it can add up to big changes.
Be blessed.
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