Yesterday was the first day of Summer vacation for my kids. 10 weeks of mind numbing bliss. I can remember those days of sleeping in, and waking up to watch Bob Barker and the Price is Right. Back then we didn't have Cartoon Network. If you watched TV in the summer it was game shows and the People's court. That was about it.
It was really cute yesterday- My daughter wrote up a schedule for her day (see attached photo) to ensure that she didn't miss anything. I didn't know that 7 year olds summer schedules were so packed that they had to write them out. Interesting appointment switch on her list- she had to move the 'snack' up because she said she was a bit hungry.
She just woke up this morning, gave me a kiss and said that she had to go watch some TV because that's what was on her schedule. No cuddles for Daddy this morning. She's got a schedule to keep.
Now I'm sharing this with this morning because its kind of cute, but the reality is that its kind of scary at the same time. I wouldn't classify my wife and I as bound to our schedules, but at some level, we must be demonstrating this to our daughter, or she wouldn't be doing it. Did she learn this at school?
I understand the schedule thing. I keep one on my blackberry. I keep the times straight. But here's what I notice- there are a lot of people out there that are over scheduled. I'm not just talking about maximizing the work day, I'm talking about the after work and weekends that are crammed full of activities, events and appointments.
We live busy lives, I get it. I have a busy life. But since this is my blog I can say this- I think people are too busy. I think they do too much. There isn't enough time to just hang out and do nothing. Yes, typically doing nothing turns into doing something, which means you're always doing something rather than nothing, but that's not my point.
In my interactions with people who are over scheduled they seem to not even like it. They moan and groan about having to do something or go somewhere. About ending up somewhere they don't want to be with people that they don't want to be with. They spend money and time scheduling themselves to death and in the the process erode the foundations of their relationships, because they are 'off to my next appointment'.
Are you over scheduled? Are you involved in too much? Is there no time for your relationship with God or your family? Perhaps you should do some serious inventory into what is most important in your life and then cut out the things that don't matter.
Did I ever tell you that I played half a season of indoor speed soccer when I was in the 1st grade? We wore jeans and used a Nerf ball. Do you know why I never told you? Because 30 years later you don't care that I played indoor speed soccer at the Loyal Heights Community Center. Its inconsequential because it doesn't matter. It didn't define who I am. I would be the same person if i never did it.
I like what the Bible says- Matthew 6:20 -But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal
Think about it. Stack rank your priorities and make your decisions from there. You don't have to let your schedule run your life. Let your life run your schedule.
Be blessed.
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