Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Get Punched In The Gut- Keep a Smile On Your Face

I can imagine that being the President isn't an easy thing. No matter what you do, there is always going to be a group of people who don't like what you do and have something to say about how you do your job.
In school, we got report cards twice a week. The President gets approval ratings every single day. If he ever wants to know what people think or how he is doing, all he has to do is bring up his approval ratings.
I think that would get old. Living under a National microscope with everyone watching everything he does.
It got me thinking- how does that guy not give into the whims of people, or lash out at those who are his detractors? Lets be honest, he's got a national stage that he could basically say or do whatever he wanted and get away with it.
It would be hilarious to see him pull out some obscure email from someone and start ripping them up on national TV.
"So before I end, tonight I'd like to personally address Bob Johnson from Topeka Kansas who had some harsh words to say about my policy changes this week. Bob, go ahead and look outside your window. There are 6 IRS agents sitting outside that would like to have a word with you." He would continue "Furthermore Bob, we've done an extensive background on everything you've ever done in your life and have posted it on the white house web page for the world to view. If you got anything else to say to me, come on down to 1600 and we'll talk about it face to face by the rose garden".
That would be hilarious.
It will never happen though. Why? Because the President understands that regardless of who says what, he has to be who he is. He knows a truth that a lot of people don't- that you can't be changed by what people think about you. You can't spend your days worrying about what other people think. He knows that if you spend all day worrying about everyone else, it will consume you.
I'm sure he has bad days. He just doesn't let people get to him.
Here's the deal- do you let people get to you? Do you let them rent space in your head? Have you ever spent a sleepless night worrying about someone Else's view of you? Here's some good Biblical advice- stop it. Quit letting people get to you. You are who you are and if you spend your days worrying about what some detractor says about you, it can consume you.
Now, I'm not saying that we don't all have stuff we need to change. If your breath stinks, fix it.Don't use this blog as an excuse to hurt people, I'm not saying that.  I'm saying that if you spend all day thinking about people who say stuff about you that doesn't matter, it will consume you. You can't let one or two people decide what you should do with your life. Its your life, not theirs. Live your life. Realize that you answer to God and God alone. You can't please everyone.
Be blessed.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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