Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some Of God's Greatest Gifts, Are Unanswered Prayers

As I'm sitting here writing this blog, my wife is sitting over my shoulder drinking coffee reading what I write. She looks at the title of the blog and says, "Hey, that's a song".
Yeah. I know. That's why I put it in the title to the blog. I'm trying to make a point here. That's what this blog is about- making a point.
There is a song titled "Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks that describes a man going to a High School football game with his wife. While they are there, they run into his old girlfriend, and he realizes that He is thankful for unanswered prayers. In the song, he had prayed to marry his high school sweetheart, but now, years later, he realizes that God blessed him by not answering that prayer. Its a cool song. If you haven't heard it, google or bing it and listen to it. 
I was thinking about that song yesterday when I was talking to the building inspector for the city of Auburn. I was talking to him about some zoning and occupancy requirements for churches and he shared with me that there was a church in the city who was having some trouble with their building. He didn't outright say it, but I gathered that there was a church in the city who was in a building that was not up to code. The church needed to have a sprinkler system, and it didn't. The church is more than likely going to have to move out of their location because of it.
Its sad for that church. I'm sure they're not happy that they may have to vacate their facility after working so hard to get into it. I know what its like to pray and believe for a building.
Here's the kicker- I'm pretty sure that the building they are getting kicked out of is the one that we wanted to buy last year. Remember this blog? 
Are you connecting the dots?
Today, I'm thanking God for unanswered prayers. I understand that this is another church that is in this debacle, and I'm not saying that God blesses our church and not theirs. But it is possible that you can be a person or an organization that can step out on your own choices instead of stepping out into God's will. Its a difficult thing to discern whether its you, or God when stepping out in faith. I'm not going to pass judgement and say they weren't in God's will, or they approached it wrong. But I am thankful today that God didn't answer that prayer for us to get that building. If He had, we could be getting kicked out of our meeting place and be a church without a building. Yikes.
Here's the deal- if you pray, you realize that God doesn't answer every prayer. But here's the other side of it- when you pray, always ask God to make it His will, for His way to supersede your wants and needs. We all have things that we would want, or things that we would like to see happen, but if they are not within His will, they may not work out.
We can do things our way, or His way. I want things to be done His way. I can step out on my own, or I can step out with Him.
Look at your own life today. Maybe there is an unanswered prayer that you can thank God for.
Be blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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