Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Increased My MPG by 25%!

In this economy, you don't have to have a good product to sell it, you need good marketing. If you've got a great website, or a bunch of ads, you can sell just about anything to anyone.
Even a schmoe like me.
I've got a hog of a vehicle that sucks an enormous amount of gasoline, and currently these gas prices are not fun for me. So of course, in times such as these, the people who sell the gas reducing, flow increasing, mpg increasing snake oil come out of the woodwork. You can google and find a bunch of items that will claim that they can increase your mpg for your car, by just installing some little thingamajig that's made of plastic.
I'm initially very intrigued by products such as these (because of my situation) and then immediately skeptical (because of my intellect). Like the old saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
I've never met one person ever who has used a product like that and it worked. If it did, they would be talking about it on the 6 o'clock news and everyone would be using it.
Here's part of the problem with things such as this- we learn to be skeptical about anything and everything, and sometimes that can backfire on us.
We get hurt in a relationship so we don't ever go into another one. We got bad service at the restaurant so we never go back. We get hurt at a church and stop going to church. We meet someone nice and think they are trying to manipulate us.
Its human nature to be skeptical, but there has to be point at which you decide to move forward anyway. You can't spend your life as a skeptic thinking that everyone and everything thing is bogus and that you're going to be the one who can say "I told you so" on the sidelines one day.
More than likely, you'll never experience all that life has to offer because of your skepticism, and in the long run you'll be less likely to have a full rewarding life because of your strong emotions of self-preservation.
What do we do? You move forward understanding that sometimes you may get hurt, you may get taken, and its okay.
Why? Because you'll never experience all that God has for you if you're a person that never fully engages life. I can appreciate that you may have been hurt, or that you don't want to trust, but God calls us to be people that trust. People that move forward. People that engage.
He never intended us to live life half way.
Engage today. Take a risk. Do something you're not sure of. Expect to get taken or hurt, and say its okay- here's the ultimate guarantee though- He will be with you through it all.
Rest in that today.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog