Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Burnt Bag of Popcorn

Do you like microwave popcorn? I sure do. We like to buy the "Pop Weaver" brand from Wal-Mart. For us, its the most tasty popcorn we have found, and of course, since its at Wal-mart, its at a very competitive price. 

Typically, our popcorn is eaten in the evening, while watching a program. Now that I think of it, I can't think of one time that I have ever made microwave popcorn and ate it when I wasn't sitting in front of the Television. That would be weird, just sitting there at the kitchen table chomping down on some popcorn looking at the wall. 

I'm rambling.

Anyway, so last night was the season premiere of "Deadliest Catch", and I wanted some corn that was popped. I went upstairs, and put it in the microwave. 

I've got to tell you, for some reason, I like mine a little burnt. Yea, I know its a bit odd, but I do. I've found that in my microwave, if I cook it for 2:20 it comes out normal, but if I cook it for 2:30 it gives me just the right amount of burntness. 2:40 and its a black ball of nastiness. Don't go 2:40, its way too much. 

Such a balance in timing to make the perfect bag of popped corn. 10 seconds up or down and its not what I want. 

As I was standing there in my kitchen watching the bag go round and round, it dawned on me- its kind of that way with most things in life- most things require just the right amount to be right. Not too much, not too little, just the right amount. 

I think the word is balance. 

Its like this- God has given us so much freedom in Him, but He has asked us in that freedom to not take advantage of it to 'indulge the sinful nature'. Finding that balance is hard, believe me, I live my life trying to find it. But here's what I've found- when you find that balance, there is peace and comfort. When you are out of that balance, it is not good. 

I'm sure the Lord in His wisdom wasn't talking about the cosmic timing balance of microwave popcorn, but the principle still applies, doesn't it? The things in our life that are important are found in the 'sweet spot'. The place where God's will reigns supreme, our lives line up with His word, and we experience peace in the Holy Spirit. 

Think on that today. Perhaps there is something in your life that is out of balance. 

Ask the Lord to reveal to you what it is and change it. You'll find that  you have more peace in you spirit about it. 

Find the sweet spot, and live in it. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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