Friday, April 22, 2011

What This Blog Is All About

I write this blog quite often. Today, by my count, is about the 387th blog that I have written. By a conservative estimate, if each blog takes me one half hour to write, that equals about five 40 hour weeks writing this blog. 

That's a pretty big number. 

Originally, back in 2008, I was prompted by my friend Dave, to write the blog after my trip to Ghana, and I figured, why not, so I made a goal of writing the blog 4 days a week in 2009. I think I came pretty close to that number. It has come, and gone. Consistent and inconsistent, but its still here, 3 years later. 

There are many days I absolutely love writing this blog, and other days I absolutely loathe it. Its often painful to reach into the depths and pluck out something of spiritual significance that can be articulated in a few paragraphs, but alas, the Lord is faithful, and continues to give me the juice. 

So why do I do it? One reason and one reason only- I want the people who read this thing to believe in Jesus Christ. 

Sure, I know I talk about shopping carts and trips to the donut stand, but all of that dribble, all of that fluff is a veiled attempt to share a glimpse of the Love of God to people in their lives. How do I do it? Little bits and pieces to keep people coming back. 

I'm not sure if its working, but I'm going to give you both barrels today. 

Today is Good Friday. Why do they call it good? Because it commemorates the day that Jesus died on the cross. When He did this, he took care of the sin of the world. Now, because of that, we can know God intimately and live eternally, if we would truly believe in Jesus Christ and what he did. 

God is faithful and He is true, and this weekend, Easter is a time to reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross. 

He didn't come for eggs, ham, or a reason for a family dinner on a Sunday. He came so we wouldn't have to spend eternity in Hell, separated from God, if we would believe in Him.

Understand this- God doesn't send people to Hell. People choose Hell over Heaven. God gives you the opportunity to choose eternity with Him, or eternity separated from Him. 

That's what this blog is about. Jesus, and escaping H-E double hockey sticks. What ever funny story, rare insight, or story is an attempt to nudge you towards the one who came to save. 

If you ever have any questions about it, or don't understand it, or want to talk more about it. Email or call me. 

Go to church on Sunday. Its Easter. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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