Have you ever been afraid of something? Maybe afraid isn't the best word. What I'm talking about here, is have you ever had something that you were afraid to do and when you thought about it, it literally gave you anxious feelings in your body?
To me, the thought of flying an airplane is just that. The thought of sitting in a cockpit, and having my hands on the controls utterly terrifies me. The mere thought of it makes me have to get a drink of water.
I've done a lot of things in my life. Somethings that other people may think are hard or scary, but nothing in the world can compare to the thought of flying a plane.
I don't know why that is. Maybe its because its so foreign to me, or because I don't trust planes or whatever. People who fly planes are algorithmic arithmatic Rhoades scholars who are friends with Stephen Hawkings. Tall preacher types with large foreheads do not fly planes.
Until yesterday. Yes. I flew a plane yesterday. I wasn't expecting it to happen, but a friend called me yesterday to see if I could go on a flight with him at 5pm. I never expected that when I went that he would let me fly. I really didn't expect that when we were on the runway that he would tell me to put my hands on the yoke and be the one to pull back and get us up in the air. I WAS FLYING AN AIRPLANE!!!!!!! Screaming, yelling school boy excitement as I lofted into the air. WOW WOW WOW. Its almost unexplainable what it feels like. It was awesome. One of the best experiences of my life. It was great.
Before yesterday, I wouldn't believe you if you told me that I could overcome my fear by simply doing it. I was 3000 ft closer to the heavens yesterday and the Lord was there with me. Surveying the beauty of his creation and soaring over the Puget Sound I was fully aware of the fact that with God, you don't have to fear anything. No person, no problem, no fear. We're the ones who hold ourselves back from experiencing God's best for us. We're the ones who put limits on God. Not him on us. There is no limit to what He can do with us if we'll let him.
Don't be afraid to try something you are afraid of. Its rewarding. It gives you a great sense of accomplishment and awareness of God's ability to empower you.
God Bless you today.
Matt of Faith and Victory in Auburn Wa (www.faithandvictory.com) shares insights, thoughts and periodic ramblings. This blog address has been somewhat discontinued, to read current blogs, please go to faithandvictory.com
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
That was some gooood preachin'
I heard a really good message yesterday.. wait... it was the message I preached yesterday.
Preaching is an interesting thing. There are times when I preach and I think "wow. that was some good preaching" and I get zero feedback. There are other times when I think "wow. i really tanked that one" and people tell me what a great message it was. Its not why I preach, but its a part of being a preacher that you may not know.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I really think that yesterday's message at church was powerful. Not necessarily because I spoke it, but it was more the direction that the Holy Spirit took it yesterday. It really was a bare-bones Gospel message, and I have to tell you, it encouraging to hear the Gospel, time and time again. I never get tired of it. Forgiveness of Sins, hope for the lost, reconciliation.
I think sometimes Christian people forget the basic truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ- Jesus came to reconsile man to God. It is what Jesus did for us on the cross that makes that possible.
When we go through trial and tribulations, its easy to begin the process of self-depreciating thoughts and actions because of the effects of the current situation we're in. Usually we spend alot of time thinking and worrying and wondering instead of spending time abiding in the Lord. Do you realize that it doesnt matter what you are going through, that God is there in the midst of it?
When you were an alien to God, and not in his family, He called you to Him through his love. How much more love does He have for you now that you are his son or daughter? He doesn't pull away during these times, he pulls you in closer. Reflect on that truth when you're going through it. Abide in His love. Rest in His glory. He's got all you need babay!
Don't let the world confuse the basic truths of God's word. Its love. Lots and lots of love. For you and for others. The bible says if we dont love, we dont know God, so walk in that today and go out and love someone!
Have a blessed day. I will.
Preaching is an interesting thing. There are times when I preach and I think "wow. that was some good preaching" and I get zero feedback. There are other times when I think "wow. i really tanked that one" and people tell me what a great message it was. Its not why I preach, but its a part of being a preacher that you may not know.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I really think that yesterday's message at church was powerful. Not necessarily because I spoke it, but it was more the direction that the Holy Spirit took it yesterday. It really was a bare-bones Gospel message, and I have to tell you, it encouraging to hear the Gospel, time and time again. I never get tired of it. Forgiveness of Sins, hope for the lost, reconciliation.
I think sometimes Christian people forget the basic truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ- Jesus came to reconsile man to God. It is what Jesus did for us on the cross that makes that possible.
When we go through trial and tribulations, its easy to begin the process of self-depreciating thoughts and actions because of the effects of the current situation we're in. Usually we spend alot of time thinking and worrying and wondering instead of spending time abiding in the Lord. Do you realize that it doesnt matter what you are going through, that God is there in the midst of it?
When you were an alien to God, and not in his family, He called you to Him through his love. How much more love does He have for you now that you are his son or daughter? He doesn't pull away during these times, he pulls you in closer. Reflect on that truth when you're going through it. Abide in His love. Rest in His glory. He's got all you need babay!
Don't let the world confuse the basic truths of God's word. Its love. Lots and lots of love. For you and for others. The bible says if we dont love, we dont know God, so walk in that today and go out and love someone!
Have a blessed day. I will.
Friday, October 24, 2008
I promise I'm not reaching
I promise you that I am not reaching for some sort of spiritual meaning in the seemingly benign things that go on during my life.
The reality is that the stuff that I can share here can usually only be limited to such interactions seeing how I cant really share the inner-workings of church politics or interactions that I have with my parishoners. Its kind of a no-no to share personal information about your parishoners on the web. For some reason they seem to frown on it. Go figure (obviously I'm joking here).
Before I share with you an insight for today, I want to be completely clear- I have not decided to run a marathon yet. I am in the "thinking about it" phase. Meaning, I'm thinking about it. I'm at about 60 percent there. Its a big deal to make that decision, so I'm still working up the courage to make the commitment.
That being said, I was on my walk this morning with my dog and my wife thought it well that we should do a bit of joggin in the midst of our walk. I got to tell you. Joggin in 37 degree weather isn't the funnest thing. Even the slightest increase in respirations burns your chest and throat. I honestly didnt even run that much. I just increased my speed a bit more from a fast walk. But it hurt.
Whats the application? Increased activity on the human body brings a painful response. Its like that with most things. Including spiritual things.
When you take one step closer to God, the devil comes at you with all he has to try to discourage you and keep you from growing. Like physical activity, spiritual activities are very important to your personal well being, but when you do them, they dont usually make you feel better right away.
Getting less sleep to get up in the morning to pray is a drag until you get used to it. After that period, you get used to the decreased sleep, and you begin to long for the time of prayer, because you realize what an improvement it makes in your spiritual life.
I hope running will do that for me... eventually I'm sure.
push yourself. go past your comfort zone. be willing to do something that doesnt make you 'feel' good immediately and watch how it will help you improve in the long run. Get up and pray. Go to church. Call a friend. Read your bible. Go for a walk.
God has a wonderful plan for your life. Believe it. His word declares it.
The reality is that the stuff that I can share here can usually only be limited to such interactions seeing how I cant really share the inner-workings of church politics or interactions that I have with my parishoners. Its kind of a no-no to share personal information about your parishoners on the web. For some reason they seem to frown on it. Go figure (obviously I'm joking here).
Before I share with you an insight for today, I want to be completely clear- I have not decided to run a marathon yet. I am in the "thinking about it" phase. Meaning, I'm thinking about it. I'm at about 60 percent there. Its a big deal to make that decision, so I'm still working up the courage to make the commitment.
That being said, I was on my walk this morning with my dog and my wife thought it well that we should do a bit of joggin in the midst of our walk. I got to tell you. Joggin in 37 degree weather isn't the funnest thing. Even the slightest increase in respirations burns your chest and throat. I honestly didnt even run that much. I just increased my speed a bit more from a fast walk. But it hurt.
Whats the application? Increased activity on the human body brings a painful response. Its like that with most things. Including spiritual things.
When you take one step closer to God, the devil comes at you with all he has to try to discourage you and keep you from growing. Like physical activity, spiritual activities are very important to your personal well being, but when you do them, they dont usually make you feel better right away.
Getting less sleep to get up in the morning to pray is a drag until you get used to it. After that period, you get used to the decreased sleep, and you begin to long for the time of prayer, because you realize what an improvement it makes in your spiritual life.
I hope running will do that for me... eventually I'm sure.
push yourself. go past your comfort zone. be willing to do something that doesnt make you 'feel' good immediately and watch how it will help you improve in the long run. Get up and pray. Go to church. Call a friend. Read your bible. Go for a walk.
God has a wonderful plan for your life. Believe it. His word declares it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm enjoying writing the blog so far. Looking forward to it in fact.
I had some great plans to today to spend some time in prayer reflecting and supplicating before the Lord almighty to recieve some sort of cosmic revelation to share with you today.
Its not going to happen. I just got a call from someone who needs me to come by for a visit.
Such is life isnt it? we plan our days, our weeks and the like and expect that everything will go as planned, but God in his infinite wisdom likes to 'shake things up'.
Be obedient to that in your own life. Allow the Lord to interrupt your plans and what you think is best for you. He uses interruptions to help us realize that he's the one, not us, and that we are to be obedient to what he asks us to do. Its rarely convenient, but its always within His plans.
Be blessed with that today. Allow those interruptions of the day that truly are divine appts, for you to be able to bless someone else.
God's best to you today. Enjoy that sunshine!
I had some great plans to today to spend some time in prayer reflecting and supplicating before the Lord almighty to recieve some sort of cosmic revelation to share with you today.
Its not going to happen. I just got a call from someone who needs me to come by for a visit.
Such is life isnt it? we plan our days, our weeks and the like and expect that everything will go as planned, but God in his infinite wisdom likes to 'shake things up'.
Be obedient to that in your own life. Allow the Lord to interrupt your plans and what you think is best for you. He uses interruptions to help us realize that he's the one, not us, and that we are to be obedient to what he asks us to do. Its rarely convenient, but its always within His plans.
Be blessed with that today. Allow those interruptions of the day that truly are divine appts, for you to be able to bless someone else.
God's best to you today. Enjoy that sunshine!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday- Typical Pastor Day off
Mondays are usually my day off. I dont like taking days off. I get bored real easy. I like to be real busy, working on something, producing. there is a certain satisfaction when you get into bed at night and you've got something to show for your day.
But alas, even the Lord Almighty rested, so I try to set aside mondays as a day when I do next to nothing. just relax and rest and do real pastorly recharging activities, like watching television.
Crystal went to some baby store yesterday (not for us- for those who were wondering) so i had the tv all to my self. I must tell you. There are few small victories you get as a husband. Getting the remote all to yourself is a wonderful thing.
So I watched a show on the Discovery channel about "big fix" or somethign like that. Basically they do some huge fix job that takes a lot of people and resources and its huge and all that.
The show yesterday was about a cruise ship. Big huge luxurious ship. To run this ships power it takes about 24 million dollars a year, so they wanted to put in a new generator that would cut its power needs by about 40%. It was a very big ordeal when you watched the show. They had to cut a gigantic hole in the side of the ship (below the waterline) and re-route a bunch of pipes. This new generator weighed 60 tons. Not an easy fix.
It took them 24 hours a day for 3 weeks to do this fix. It worked. Its going to take a while to recoup the cost, but in the long run. Its a good deal.
I'm sure you're seeing the spiritual application already: God wants to do work in our hearts and sometimes its a 'big fix' that may seem daunting. Although its a huge task that takes a lot of time, is real messy and involved, its worth every bit. Let God do the work. he'll make you better and you'll be better because of it.
Ask the Lord what fix you need in your heart today. What area of your heart that you're not letting the Holy Spirit do its work.
You're more valuable than any cruise ship. And you've got more power in the Holy Spirit than any generator.
Be blessed to day. Let the Lord do a "Big Fix" in your heart today.
ps. if you think its unGodly to watch TV disregard this post.
But alas, even the Lord Almighty rested, so I try to set aside mondays as a day when I do next to nothing. just relax and rest and do real pastorly recharging activities, like watching television.
Crystal went to some baby store yesterday (not for us- for those who were wondering) so i had the tv all to my self. I must tell you. There are few small victories you get as a husband. Getting the remote all to yourself is a wonderful thing.
So I watched a show on the Discovery channel about "big fix" or somethign like that. Basically they do some huge fix job that takes a lot of people and resources and its huge and all that.
The show yesterday was about a cruise ship. Big huge luxurious ship. To run this ships power it takes about 24 million dollars a year, so they wanted to put in a new generator that would cut its power needs by about 40%. It was a very big ordeal when you watched the show. They had to cut a gigantic hole in the side of the ship (below the waterline) and re-route a bunch of pipes. This new generator weighed 60 tons. Not an easy fix.
It took them 24 hours a day for 3 weeks to do this fix. It worked. Its going to take a while to recoup the cost, but in the long run. Its a good deal.
I'm sure you're seeing the spiritual application already: God wants to do work in our hearts and sometimes its a 'big fix' that may seem daunting. Although its a huge task that takes a lot of time, is real messy and involved, its worth every bit. Let God do the work. he'll make you better and you'll be better because of it.
Ask the Lord what fix you need in your heart today. What area of your heart that you're not letting the Holy Spirit do its work.
You're more valuable than any cruise ship. And you've got more power in the Holy Spirit than any generator.
Be blessed to day. Let the Lord do a "Big Fix" in your heart today.
ps. if you think its unGodly to watch TV disregard this post.
Friday, October 17, 2008
God is Good
I want to share something with you that happened today. Actually it happened earlier this week.
Another Pastor from Auburn called me out of the blue and wanted to come down to our church and pray with Crystal and I.
I'm sure for you its quite normal for pastors to get together and pray, but to be honest, pastors dont get together alot to pray. I'm sure its for a number of reasons, but I think its mostly becasue alot of pastors see other churches as 'competition'. Its really not good to have that mindset, but in all acuality alot of pastors do have that mindset.
So he called, and we met with him today, and it appears as though he's going through a few bumps at his church, and the Lord layed it on his heart to call us as come and pray for our church to prosper and grow! PRAISE GOD!
I dont think that most people have this mentality when something goes sideways in thier life, and its this: I've got to worry about my life, my circumstance, not anyone else right now. This should not be so. Its during times of crisis and uncertainty that we have the greatest opportunity to bless someone else. In some ways, its like giving the devil a blackeye! We were very blessed by him and his prayers. it was great.
So go and bless someone today in spite of your circumstance.
On another note. I got a new pair of slippers today! Seems like a small blessing, but to me its huge. i've been looking for this specific Dr. Scholls memory foam slippers, and today i found them! man, I can't wait to watch some football in these bad boys!
ps. throw a few comments. i'd like to see who's on this blog thing.
Another Pastor from Auburn called me out of the blue and wanted to come down to our church and pray with Crystal and I.
I'm sure for you its quite normal for pastors to get together and pray, but to be honest, pastors dont get together alot to pray. I'm sure its for a number of reasons, but I think its mostly becasue alot of pastors see other churches as 'competition'. Its really not good to have that mindset, but in all acuality alot of pastors do have that mindset.
So he called, and we met with him today, and it appears as though he's going through a few bumps at his church, and the Lord layed it on his heart to call us as come and pray for our church to prosper and grow! PRAISE GOD!
I dont think that most people have this mentality when something goes sideways in thier life, and its this: I've got to worry about my life, my circumstance, not anyone else right now. This should not be so. Its during times of crisis and uncertainty that we have the greatest opportunity to bless someone else. In some ways, its like giving the devil a blackeye! We were very blessed by him and his prayers. it was great.
So go and bless someone today in spite of your circumstance.
On another note. I got a new pair of slippers today! Seems like a small blessing, but to me its huge. i've been looking for this specific Dr. Scholls memory foam slippers, and today i found them! man, I can't wait to watch some football in these bad boys!
ps. throw a few comments. i'd like to see who's on this blog thing.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Phase of the Blog
I'm not sure how many people are still reading this blog, but I've recieved some feedback from people that they enjoyed reading my thoughts, so I'm going to make an attempt to continue to do the blog.
So where to start? The easiest place is with the idea of this blog itself. A few people had encouraged me in the past to do a blog, and I was reluctant to do so. I'll be honest. It mostly because I didnt think that anyone would read it, or get much out of it. Apparently based on feedback the Lord is able to work some sort of Holy Spirit translation through my spelling errors and rambling thoughts to bring glory to his name. Praise God.
There's a sermon in there somewhere. Alot of times we as people think that what we do and say doesnt have much of an effect on people, when it really does. Each of us has a mission, a calling if you will to reach out to those within our sphere of influence and impact them with the Love of Christ. Its hard, becasue usually we feel as though our attempts, or lack thereof, are either not recieved well, or not wanted, when in actuality, we will never truly know the impact we have on other people. I guess we'll know when we get to heaven, but either way, I think it brings God glory when we do our best to share the love of the Lord.
God bless you today. Again, I humbly pray that this blog will be blessing to you in some way.
More later
pastor matt
So where to start? The easiest place is with the idea of this blog itself. A few people had encouraged me in the past to do a blog, and I was reluctant to do so. I'll be honest. It mostly because I didnt think that anyone would read it, or get much out of it. Apparently based on feedback the Lord is able to work some sort of Holy Spirit translation through my spelling errors and rambling thoughts to bring glory to his name. Praise God.
There's a sermon in there somewhere. Alot of times we as people think that what we do and say doesnt have much of an effect on people, when it really does. Each of us has a mission, a calling if you will to reach out to those within our sphere of influence and impact them with the Love of Christ. Its hard, becasue usually we feel as though our attempts, or lack thereof, are either not recieved well, or not wanted, when in actuality, we will never truly know the impact we have on other people. I guess we'll know when we get to heaven, but either way, I think it brings God glory when we do our best to share the love of the Lord.
God bless you today. Again, I humbly pray that this blog will be blessing to you in some way.
More later
pastor matt
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Bye Bye Ghana
We're leaving today. I havent packed yet, I wanted to write my final blog first.
First off, thank you to everyone who has been praying for us while we were here and reading this blog. I pray that it has been a blessing to you reading it.
its natural that as I'm about to go home that my mind would be transistioning to trying to process this experience. Its difficult to process while I am here, Im sure that more will come to me as the days pass.
First to say, this has been an amazing experience. I have been to bosnia, egypt, austraila and other places, and I must say that this has been the most pleasurable of all of them. Australia was nice, but it was really alot like america, so it wasnt as culturally significant.
here in Ghana, you are in a foriegn country, with different customs and people, but everything is in english and people speak english. What has been most exciting, is how NICE the people are. Overly nice and accepting. Its been great.
So, at this point, what can I take home from this experience
1. There are other Christians all over the world, and when you meet them, you can feel the immediate spiritual connection because they love the same Lord that you do.
2. God moves on all people in all areas. Sometimes Americans have the ablity to become very focused on their own surroundings, forgetting that God is doing miracuous things all over the world.
3. People who have less thirst for God more. To see the people here in the villages worshipping the Lord in spite of their circumstance can frustrate you when you think of the people of american who live so much better than these people and still find ways to complain. Most of us still eat 3 times a day
4. God blesses obedience. I really didnt know what to expect when i came here, but God did move. not only in the services, but in my own heart. I am challenged by the people in Ghana's thirst for God.
5. Jesus still saves. We were at a home group last night full of Lebanese people who were realativley new converts. I have met adult people who were atheist, buddhist, and musilm who have come to know the saving grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I think sometimes Christians 'write people off' because they dont think God can affect these people, but I have learned that when you pray and believe God moves on peoples hearts. its awesome!
6. You can live without TV. I havent watched a lick since I've been here. Havent missed it at all. My life has actually been easier without it.
7. You can live without a cell phone.
8. you can live without AC
9. You can live on peanut butter and crackers for quite a few meals.
10. you can make lifelong friends in 14 days.
Love you all. Hope to talk to you when we get back. thanks again for the prayers. Say one more as we fly home tonight.
God Bless
matt and corb (and pastor ong in 1 more week)
First off, thank you to everyone who has been praying for us while we were here and reading this blog. I pray that it has been a blessing to you reading it.
its natural that as I'm about to go home that my mind would be transistioning to trying to process this experience. Its difficult to process while I am here, Im sure that more will come to me as the days pass.
First to say, this has been an amazing experience. I have been to bosnia, egypt, austraila and other places, and I must say that this has been the most pleasurable of all of them. Australia was nice, but it was really alot like america, so it wasnt as culturally significant.
here in Ghana, you are in a foriegn country, with different customs and people, but everything is in english and people speak english. What has been most exciting, is how NICE the people are. Overly nice and accepting. Its been great.
So, at this point, what can I take home from this experience
1. There are other Christians all over the world, and when you meet them, you can feel the immediate spiritual connection because they love the same Lord that you do.
2. God moves on all people in all areas. Sometimes Americans have the ablity to become very focused on their own surroundings, forgetting that God is doing miracuous things all over the world.
3. People who have less thirst for God more. To see the people here in the villages worshipping the Lord in spite of their circumstance can frustrate you when you think of the people of american who live so much better than these people and still find ways to complain. Most of us still eat 3 times a day
4. God blesses obedience. I really didnt know what to expect when i came here, but God did move. not only in the services, but in my own heart. I am challenged by the people in Ghana's thirst for God.
5. Jesus still saves. We were at a home group last night full of Lebanese people who were realativley new converts. I have met adult people who were atheist, buddhist, and musilm who have come to know the saving grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I think sometimes Christians 'write people off' because they dont think God can affect these people, but I have learned that when you pray and believe God moves on peoples hearts. its awesome!
6. You can live without TV. I havent watched a lick since I've been here. Havent missed it at all. My life has actually been easier without it.
7. You can live without a cell phone.
8. you can live without AC
9. You can live on peanut butter and crackers for quite a few meals.
10. you can make lifelong friends in 14 days.
Love you all. Hope to talk to you when we get back. thanks again for the prayers. Say one more as we fly home tonight.
God Bless
matt and corb (and pastor ong in 1 more week)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
3 services. One day
Whew. This has been a long day.
we got up early to go and get church set up for today. (some of you old school FVC people will remember those days of lugging stuff into the school- this place has about 40 stairs you have to go up.. we were blessed).
Elim has 3 services on Sunday. The first two are in english, and the final one is in Chinese.
There were about 75 people at the first service, and easily about 150 at the second. It was powerful!
Its funny how God works. As I was leaving for Ghana, Crystal told me to preach on communion, and I wasn't really thinking thats what i should preach on. Its a great message to preach, but its more of a teaching than a preaching. I was struggling with what to preach, and lo and behold, it was communion sunday today! After speaking with Pastor Ong, it became clear that communion was what i was to speak on today.
It went quite well. I think it was well recieved, which is not of much value except that I felt as though that was what the Lord would have me to speak on today.
This church is so great. There are people from literally all over the world that attend this church. People from all denominations, races, and countries in one room all praising God. The Christian Church has been divided too long. It was great to be in the same room worshipping with pentecostals and mennonites. Only in Ghana would this happen.
We met a girl from SPU (our alma mater) today at church. She is here as a school teacher. It was great to be able to connect with another american that is so close to where we are from. She was from Monroe Washington.
The chinese church was an experience. I preached through an interpreter again. I dont think that the chinese church really got my humor. I would tell a joke, but they would just look at me. Thats okay, I thought it was funny.
The trip is winding down. We have two more days here in country before beginning our travel home. Its quite sad acutally. We've made some great friendships here very quickly. Its great to be able to make those kind of connections with people. The people here are so wonderful, so loving, so accepting. Its a pure joy to be here. I am sad to leave.
we'll still post over the next few days before we go. I'm sure we'll have a few more adventures.
God bless you.
matt and corbett
we got up early to go and get church set up for today. (some of you old school FVC people will remember those days of lugging stuff into the school- this place has about 40 stairs you have to go up.. we were blessed).
Elim has 3 services on Sunday. The first two are in english, and the final one is in Chinese.
There were about 75 people at the first service, and easily about 150 at the second. It was powerful!
Its funny how God works. As I was leaving for Ghana, Crystal told me to preach on communion, and I wasn't really thinking thats what i should preach on. Its a great message to preach, but its more of a teaching than a preaching. I was struggling with what to preach, and lo and behold, it was communion sunday today! After speaking with Pastor Ong, it became clear that communion was what i was to speak on today.
It went quite well. I think it was well recieved, which is not of much value except that I felt as though that was what the Lord would have me to speak on today.
This church is so great. There are people from literally all over the world that attend this church. People from all denominations, races, and countries in one room all praising God. The Christian Church has been divided too long. It was great to be in the same room worshipping with pentecostals and mennonites. Only in Ghana would this happen.
We met a girl from SPU (our alma mater) today at church. She is here as a school teacher. It was great to be able to connect with another american that is so close to where we are from. She was from Monroe Washington.
The chinese church was an experience. I preached through an interpreter again. I dont think that the chinese church really got my humor. I would tell a joke, but they would just look at me. Thats okay, I thought it was funny.
The trip is winding down. We have two more days here in country before beginning our travel home. Its quite sad acutally. We've made some great friendships here very quickly. Its great to be able to make those kind of connections with people. The people here are so wonderful, so loving, so accepting. Its a pure joy to be here. I am sad to leave.
we'll still post over the next few days before we go. I'm sure we'll have a few more adventures.
God bless you.
matt and corbett
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Still Alive
we're still alive, but busy doing a lot that is not of much to report. yesterday was an errand day, not much going on. Picked up some stuff to bring home and did a bit of shopping.
We're working towards Sunday's meeting. I'm going to preach 3 services. 2 in english, and one through a Chinese interpreter. Should be good.
We went out to eat last night at a Lebanese restaurant. wow. they sure did serve up some chow. Lots of it, and it was great.
Hope you're doing well. Post more after Sunday.
Love you all
matt and corb.
We're working towards Sunday's meeting. I'm going to preach 3 services. 2 in english, and one through a Chinese interpreter. Should be good.
We went out to eat last night at a Lebanese restaurant. wow. they sure did serve up some chow. Lots of it, and it was great.
Hope you're doing well. Post more after Sunday.
Love you all
matt and corb.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Nice Cold Fanta Orange
Its still screaming hot here. Almost feels like its getting hotter maybe. Perhaps its the intermittant storms, or the absolute fire of the Holy Ghost, but it is HOT.
Sorry i didnt write yesterday.. I think its been a few days since I've writtten. We've just been really busy.
Yesterday we spent the morning driving around Accra running errands. Not really much more to talk about that experience in that it was similar to other days around Accra. I am still amazed at the driving that happens here. Total and complete chaos, yet no one seems to ever get in a wreck. No one gets mad at people cutting in line, or cutting someone off. Quite refreshing in fact. Americans seem to get really angry while driving for seemingly small things. In Ghana, you force your way in, honk your horn, and the guy you just did it do doesn't raise a concern at all. I'm going to bring that back with me to the US. Not the part about not getting mad, the part about doing what I want on the road and using my horn more often.
Another thing that I am going to bring back to the US is what they do in Ghanian churches in the villages. Church is hot, and long, so after the song service, the ushers walk around the church and if you fall asleep, they crack you on your head with a small switch. What a great idea! I think I may market this item to area churches. We'll call it the "victory stick" with an infomerical and everything.. what do you think? Great idea eh?
So last night we went up to visit a village church. It took us about 1.5 hours to get to there because of traffic, but what took even longer was the roads. Folks, we have unmaintained logging roads that are better than alot of main roads here. Pot holes galore, unfinished roads, deep crevasses from rains. Its crazy. If i lived here I'd have to get a 4X4.
So we got the the church last night (late), but still there. Probably about 125 people were at church. And like before SINGING THEIR HEARTS OUT. Its amazing to watch the Ghanians worship. Our churches can really learn alot from it. They sing, and dance and have the time of their lives. Americans are too concerned with what people think or how they may be percieved. It appears that the Ghanians are not concerned with it at all. They WORSHIP and it is very evident.
I had the opportunity to preach again through an interpreter. Its quite a different experience, but it was still cool. There is a clear immediate spiritual connection that we have with the people here through Jesus Christ. Its awesome. I spoke on what Faith can do in your life from the Book of Daniel. It appeared to be well recieved by the feedback I got from the church. The best part- after preaching in this windowless concrete church they blessed us right after with ice cold soda pop in a glass bottle. I dont think I have had a more refreshing beverage in my entire life. Ice Cold Orange Fanta in a bottle at 900 at night in 80 degree heat goes down real nice. Man it was good. What a blessing.
The people here are the same as the people in the US in that they have problems, but they are just different kinds of problems. We pray for a different job, house, or things. They pray for a meal for work, for the health of their family. You can see the love of God in their eyes as much as you can in the US, it just their needs are much different. Its a priveledge (sp?) to be here and meet these people. They are so welcoming and warm hearted. Its great.
So we're driving home last night and I asked Pastor Ong what we were going to do today, and he says "oh yea, you're going to preach to all my pastors in the morning. Not too much, just about 45 mins or so". Sweet. Great opportunity, very short notice. So I had from when we got home at about 11 to when we got up at 7 to go the next morning to prepare a few thought for a dozen pastors.
God showed up. The message to the pastors went over very well and they were blessed. I've never spoke to a group of pastors before so it was a new experience, but one that was fun. What was great is that it was the first message I've been able to preach here without an interpreter. Praise the Lord it went well.
God is moving here. He's impacting peoples lives and filling them with the power of the Holy Spirit. Its great to be a part of what God is doing here in Ghana. I thank him every day for this opportunity. Its a blessing.
God's best to you. Hope you are all doing well. I would love to get some questions or comments from some of you we haven't heard from. I'm using krachunis at gmail.com while I am here if you want to write me or corb.
Love you all. Can't wait to get home wednesday.
matt and corb.
Sorry i didnt write yesterday.. I think its been a few days since I've writtten. We've just been really busy.
Yesterday we spent the morning driving around Accra running errands. Not really much more to talk about that experience in that it was similar to other days around Accra. I am still amazed at the driving that happens here. Total and complete chaos, yet no one seems to ever get in a wreck. No one gets mad at people cutting in line, or cutting someone off. Quite refreshing in fact. Americans seem to get really angry while driving for seemingly small things. In Ghana, you force your way in, honk your horn, and the guy you just did it do doesn't raise a concern at all. I'm going to bring that back with me to the US. Not the part about not getting mad, the part about doing what I want on the road and using my horn more often.
Another thing that I am going to bring back to the US is what they do in Ghanian churches in the villages. Church is hot, and long, so after the song service, the ushers walk around the church and if you fall asleep, they crack you on your head with a small switch. What a great idea! I think I may market this item to area churches. We'll call it the "victory stick" with an infomerical and everything.. what do you think? Great idea eh?
So last night we went up to visit a village church. It took us about 1.5 hours to get to there because of traffic, but what took even longer was the roads. Folks, we have unmaintained logging roads that are better than alot of main roads here. Pot holes galore, unfinished roads, deep crevasses from rains. Its crazy. If i lived here I'd have to get a 4X4.
So we got the the church last night (late), but still there. Probably about 125 people were at church. And like before SINGING THEIR HEARTS OUT. Its amazing to watch the Ghanians worship. Our churches can really learn alot from it. They sing, and dance and have the time of their lives. Americans are too concerned with what people think or how they may be percieved. It appears that the Ghanians are not concerned with it at all. They WORSHIP and it is very evident.
I had the opportunity to preach again through an interpreter. Its quite a different experience, but it was still cool. There is a clear immediate spiritual connection that we have with the people here through Jesus Christ. Its awesome. I spoke on what Faith can do in your life from the Book of Daniel. It appeared to be well recieved by the feedback I got from the church. The best part- after preaching in this windowless concrete church they blessed us right after with ice cold soda pop in a glass bottle. I dont think I have had a more refreshing beverage in my entire life. Ice Cold Orange Fanta in a bottle at 900 at night in 80 degree heat goes down real nice. Man it was good. What a blessing.
The people here are the same as the people in the US in that they have problems, but they are just different kinds of problems. We pray for a different job, house, or things. They pray for a meal for work, for the health of their family. You can see the love of God in their eyes as much as you can in the US, it just their needs are much different. Its a priveledge (sp?) to be here and meet these people. They are so welcoming and warm hearted. Its great.
So we're driving home last night and I asked Pastor Ong what we were going to do today, and he says "oh yea, you're going to preach to all my pastors in the morning. Not too much, just about 45 mins or so". Sweet. Great opportunity, very short notice. So I had from when we got home at about 11 to when we got up at 7 to go the next morning to prepare a few thought for a dozen pastors.
God showed up. The message to the pastors went over very well and they were blessed. I've never spoke to a group of pastors before so it was a new experience, but one that was fun. What was great is that it was the first message I've been able to preach here without an interpreter. Praise the Lord it went well.
God is moving here. He's impacting peoples lives and filling them with the power of the Holy Spirit. Its great to be a part of what God is doing here in Ghana. I thank him every day for this opportunity. Its a blessing.
God's best to you. Hope you are all doing well. I would love to get some questions or comments from some of you we haven't heard from. I'm using krachunis at gmail.com while I am here if you want to write me or corb.
Love you all. Can't wait to get home wednesday.
matt and corb.
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