Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Big Fish That Got Away

When I was a kid, probably about 9 or 10 years old, I went fishing with someone while on vacation from the city. We were out on a lake, and had our lines in the water and were not having much luck. I remember that there came a point when it was beginning to look like we weren't going to catch any fish, so the adult I was with decided to pull up the lines.

I didn't want to pull up the lines. I wanted to catch some fish. I remember him telling me as he was pulling in the lines, "Matt, don't you worry, I promise you you'll catch a fish before you go home".

We didn't go fishing again that day, or any other day, and I never caught a fish that trip. Its been about 25 years, and I still remember that promise, and how it wasn't fulfilled. I have to tell you, it still stings a little bit.

I'm sure you have a story like that also. A time when someone gave you their word, and they didn't follow through with it, as much as I'm sure there has been a time when you haven't followed through with your word either.

There isn't much left in the world when we can't believe what people say. I know I used an example from childhood to illustrate this point, but I have many others that I could share, but they are probably too close to home at this point. I know there have been times when I have been guilty of this myself, but its something that I work on not doing.

What's the nugget? Be a person who follows through with what you say to the best of your ability.

If you can't do something, don't agree to it or talk around it. Give people the courtesy of telling them the truth about what you are willing to do for them. Don't tell people what they want to hear, thinking that it will in someway increase your stature with that person. If you don't follow through, your credibility is lost, and the relationship will be strained.

I like what is says in the Bible in Ecclesiastes 5:5-It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.

Marinate on that today.

Choose your words wisely. Agree only to what you can do. Don't promise what you know you will never deliver. Don't tell people what you think they want to hear.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Let your Nays be Nays and your Yays be Yays.
    A person of integrity.
