Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Love Garbage!!!!

Part of the ritual of the Wednesday night, is to put out the trash for Thursday morning. The way it works in our neighborhood, is that trash goes out every week, and every other week is either yard waste or recyclables (is that even a word- maybe it should read- things to be recycled).

On the weeks that the recycle bins go out, we've usually amassed quite a bit of stuff to go out. Its usually strewn about the garage, and piling up on the side of our house. We take multiple trips to get all of the bins and cardboard boxes out to our curb to be disposed of.

Something occurred to me last night as we were setting up our receptacles, bins and boxes. I really like trash day. There is something really satisfying about getting rid of stuff that you don't need. It completely awesome that our family can put out heaps of junk on Wednesday night and Thursday morning its magically disappeared.

The nature of trash is that once you put it out there, there truly is no getting it back. Sure, you purists would exclaim that you could go to the landfill and dig through the trash of the 1 plus million people, but you and I both know its not feasible. When you throw something away, and it goes on that truck, its gone for eternity. For ever.

Trash is stuff you don't need. Stuff you don't use. The things in your life that are extra that are holding you back. Things that begin to stink if you left them in your house. Broken items that have no use any longer. Packaging that shouldn't have been used in the first place. Its junk. Trash. Refuse. Garbage. And getting rid of it is the best thing to do, and its a freeing feeling to be rid of it.

What emotional and spiritual junk are you holding on to that you don't need? Is there a metaphorical curb that you need to set your garbage out on and have Mr. Jesus come by and pick it up? The analogy here is amazing. If you'll give it up to him. Really give it up, he'll take it to a place that you can never get it back. But you have to be willing to give it to him. He can't take what you're not willing to give him.

Put out the trash. Watch it drive away. Be free.


1 comment:

  1. Great blog!

    I love how you can take every day ccurrences and find a "moral of the story" lesson in it for all of us.
    Thanks. :)
    "Touching the hem" here again today, Pastor...
    thank you for all your food for thought and insight!
    You are a good man.

