Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Have You Seen The Addition To The Guggenheim?

I love Seinfeld. Its a funny show. There is this character in it named George who constantly brings up that he is an architect to other people when he is not. He will even lie to people about it, say things like "have you seen the addition to the Guggenheim"? as if to say that he was the one who did it. He tries to lead people to believe that he is an architect.
Architects are smart people. They know stuff that other people don't. I'm sure this is the allure of George claiming that he is one, he wants people to think that he is smart. They know stuff about angles and loads and structural engineering stuff. They're full of knowledge in regards to buildings and such.
Most cities require that if you're going to build something for habitation that you hire an architect. Why? Because the city doesn't want a building to fall down on someone and kill them and then be standing there scratching their head wondering what happened. That's why they hire architects. Because architects know how to build something that will last.
Here's a question- would you ever hire an architect to draw up some plans for you to build something and then not follow the plans? I know I wouldn't. No matter how crazy that those plans looked, I would follow them because I would trust that the architect would know what they were doing when they drew up the plans.
Got me thinking about a story that Jesus told about a guy who listened to what He said and applied the words to His life. Jesus used the example of building a house on rock instead of sand, and that someone who builds a house on rock is wiser than the person who builds it on sand. In essence saying if you follow what Jesus says you're wise and if you don't, you're not.
Jesus wasn't an architect, but I agree. Build a house on rock instead of sand and you'll be better off. I also agree that if you apply what Jesus said to your life, you'll be better off than if you don't.
Do you know much about what Jesus said? Do you apply it to your life?
Here's the deal- there are a lot of people who know what Jesus said, but don't apply it to their life. If you do that, its pointless. Its not enough to just know what Jesus said, you should apply it to your life also.
Don't be foolish. Build houses on rock. Do what Jesus says.
Be blessed.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is Your Life Running Your Schedule, or is Your Schedule Running your Life?

Yesterday was the first day of Summer vacation for my kids. 10 weeks of mind numbing bliss. I can remember those days of sleeping in, and waking up to watch Bob Barker and the Price is Right. Back then we didn't have Cartoon Network. If you watched TV in the summer it was game shows and the People's court. That was about it.
It was really cute yesterday- My daughter wrote up a schedule for her day (see attached photo) to ensure that she didn't miss anything. I didn't know that 7 year olds summer schedules were so packed that they had to write them out. Interesting appointment switch on her list- she had to move the 'snack' up because she said she was a bit hungry.
She just woke up this morning, gave me a kiss and said that she had to go watch some TV because that's what was on her schedule. No cuddles for Daddy this morning. She's got a schedule to keep.
Now I'm sharing this with this morning because its kind of cute, but the reality is that its kind of scary at the same time. I wouldn't classify my wife and I as bound to our schedules, but at some level, we must be demonstrating this to our daughter, or she wouldn't be doing it. Did she learn this at school?
I understand the schedule thing. I keep one on my blackberry. I keep the times straight. But here's what I notice- there are a lot of people out there that are over scheduled. I'm not just talking about maximizing the work day, I'm talking about the after work and weekends that are crammed full of activities, events and appointments.
We live busy lives, I get it. I have a busy life. But since this is my blog I can say this- I think people are too busy. I think they do too much. There isn't enough time to just hang out and do nothing. Yes, typically doing nothing turns into doing something, which means you're always doing something rather than nothing, but that's not my point.
In my interactions with people who are over scheduled they seem to not even like it. They moan and groan about having to do something or go somewhere. About ending up somewhere they don't want to be with people that they don't want to be with. They spend money and time scheduling themselves to death and in the the process erode the foundations of their relationships, because they are 'off to my next appointment'.
Are you over scheduled? Are you involved in too much? Is there no time for your relationship with God or your family? Perhaps you should do some serious inventory into what is most important in your life and then cut out the things that don't matter. 
Did I ever tell you that I played half a season of indoor speed soccer when I was in the 1st grade? We wore jeans and used a Nerf ball. Do you know why I never told you? Because 30 years later you don't care that I played indoor speed soccer at the Loyal Heights Community Center. Its inconsequential because it doesn't matter. It didn't define who I am. I would be the same person if i never did it.
I like what the Bible says- Matthew 6:20 -But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal
Think about it. Stack rank your priorities and make your decisions from there. You don't have to let your schedule run your life. Let your life run your schedule.
Be blessed.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, June 18, 2010

I've Got The Answer to The Oil Spill

It came to me this morning as I arose at 515. They have been dealing with the oil gusher in the gulf for almost two months now. I'm no environmentalist, but this is ridiculous. Even a guy like me can understand that this is doing long term damage to the eco-system. We can get a man on the moon- why can't we stop some oil from coming out of the floor of the ocean? I know why- because its a mile down thats why- and the psi down there is about 2400 lbs per sq. inch.
Here's a list of a few ways I think that we could clog that hole.
1. Shove a few rolls of toilet paper in it. Toilet paper clogs stuff all the time.
2. Have a national contest of ideas- the one that wins gets 1 million dollars.
3. two words- Chuck Norris.
4. drop a piece of concrete the size of football field on it.
5. Talk to the guys from UAE- they built a whole city in the middle of the ocean, they've got to know something.
6. Instead of sending President Obama to talk to BP send the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to talk to them. I dont know how, but those dudes know how to get it done. Remember when Jesse Jackson negotiated the release of those Amercian soldiers?
7. Put a bomb down there and implode it.
8. Get a really big bottle of Dawn dish soap- you've seen the commercials- it takes grease out of your way.
9. Can't James Cameron do something? He had all those slick submersibles in Titanic.
10. Do a "Armageddon" reversal- instead of a bunch of guys from an oil rig going to space to save the world, get a bunch of astronauts to go down to the bottom of the ocean to save the world. They can make the submersible out of Unobtanium.
What are your ideas?

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Does This Happen To You When You Go Out To Eat?

We went out to eat last night for dinner at Red Robin. I think its probably been at least 3 or 4 months since we've been there. We were craving California Chicken Burgers and fries. Man, that food is good.
We got to the restaurant and were seated, and then we met our waitress.
"Hi, I'm >>>>> I'll be your waitress for the evening, how are WE doing tonight".
Let me stop right there. I hate the "how are we WE doing" greeting at the restaurant. As far as I'm concerned, I don't think that when a person of the waitstaff inquires about our emotional disposition that they truly are adding themselves into the group. Its never a 'we' they are truly talking about. They really are only asking how the group sitting at the table is doing, the waitstaff is not part of the group at the table. Hence, the 'we' is not an adequate greeting. It should be, "how are you guys doing" or "how are you doing tonight" or even "how is everyone doing tonight".
It doesn't end there- "Is this your first time to Red Robin"?
Yes. I've been on safari in Africa for the last 10 years and have just returned this Tuesday evening to Kent Washington and decided to try this building with the crimson bird on the front of it for provisions. Do you serve Wilda beast here?
I'm curious what they say to "no- this is my first time". Do they say "Well, here we serve food, you read off this menu here and then tell me what you would like, and then I go back to that area back there called a kitchen and bring you back food for you to eat".
I'm ranting here. I know.
Here's the deal- and why I'm talking about this- we all talk to someone in our life and HOW we say it is just as important as WHAT we say. The inflection, the tone, the speed, it all plays into how people respond to what we say.
When you have a tone in your voice that seems as though you are talking to 3 year old who is on a swing set, you're implying something- specifically that the person you are talking to is either a child, or unable to comprehend simple instructions.
So what to do? What what you say, and how you say it. To coworkers, to spouses, to friends, to kids. Think about the tone that you use to communicate to people. When you watch your tone and inflection that you use with others, it ensures that what you say is well received. 
The last thing that you want is to be in a position to speak words of encouragement into someones life and ruin by how you say it. Don't just watch what you say, watch how you say it.
I like what James 1:26 says- If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
Don't be worthless. Watch the tongue.
Be Blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jesus Gets Struck By Lightning On I-75

Yep- its true- a 6 story statue of Jesus near a church in Ohio got struck by lightning yesterday. You can read about it here- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_lightning_strikes_jesus_statue .
According to the story, the statue was 60 feet high, and 40 feet wide at the base and constructed of a steel frame covered in fiberglass material. The statue had been outside a church since 2004.
I know what you're thinking- if a statue of Jesus can get struck by fire from the sky, what hope is there for me?
There is a bit of research about being struck by lightning that I found on this website http://www.weather.gov/om/lightning/medical.htm you can read about odds of being struck, and the effects of it.
Here's an interesting fact according to the site- if you live to be 80 years old, you have a one in 6250 chance of being struck by lightning. I honestly thought there was less of a chance than that. I've always said I had a greater chance of being struck by lightning than winning the lottery. I guess its true in this case.
Here's what I think- this statue was made of a steel frame. Steel frames more than likely attract lightening, therefore, when the strike happened, it connected to the largest metal frame it could find- this statue.
I'm sure that people somewhere are going to say that it was God striking down an idol, or that it was God destroying a statue He didn't agree with.
I don't agree. I think lightning struck and happened to strike a statue of Jesus in Ohio.
Here's the deal- we all have stuff that happens in our life. Stuff that we don't like or do like. There is an element of control that we have in some situations, but for the most part, we're at the whim of situations that we may find ourselves in. In the case of lightening, we can choose to not go swimming, or choose to go inside during a storm, etc. But at the end of the day, we can't control everything. There is always an element of the uncontrollables, or the actions of others, that we cannot control.
So what to do? Live your life to the fullest. Praise God daily. Love others constantly. Wear your seat belt and your life vest, but realize that you can't live your life in fear of being struck by lightning or dying unexpectedly.
Sure, a statue of Jesus may get struck by lightning, but that doesn't mean that God is up in the sky looking for someone to strike. That's an irrational fear.
Be blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stephen Strausberg Pitching Phenom or Fufilled Prophecy?

I'm not a guy who watches baseball on a regular basis. To me, its a bit of a slow sport. I like sports where people strike each other, like football, mma, and boxing. I know, it may not be very pastorly, but its the truth. Maybe if baseball included chasing the other team around with the bats and throwing the balls at each other I could get behind it. As it is, the most exciting part about baseball to me is the garlic fries at Safeco Field in Seattle. Those things are amazing.
But when a player like Stephen Strausberg comes along, even a guy like me takes notice. Here's a kid who is 6' 4" 220 lbs. that throws a 100mph fastball. Wow. I don't know much about no baseyball, but I do know this. 100mph is a rocket fast arm. Strausberg played his first MLB game last night and absolutely crushed it. 14 strike outs and His team, the Washington Nationals beat the Pittsburg Pirates 5-2. Amazing debut for a 22 year old kid.
Some Nationals fans are saying that his arrival is like a prophecy being fulfilled or a messiah arriving. For National fans who have been waiting for someone to pull their team out of the depths of despair, this is what they've been needing.  The team wanted a phenom that would energize the fan base and invigorate the town. They wanted it. They got it.
People love winners. People get excited about someone who is out of the norm who can, for a moment, release them from the drudgery of everyday life, if only for a moment. Regardless of the sport, people love the momentary escape from their seemingly boring life.
Here's the deal- sport is what it is. But what it reveals is this- people want more in their life than the daily grind. They want to be energized and they want to be elevated and will do whatever it takes to experience it.
Here's the nugget for the day- while sports may be exciting and uplifting, the reality is that the feelings that you get from them, like many diversions, are temporary at best. That emptiness and longing for elevation can only be satisfied through the one who created you with that longing.
I like sports. I watch them. But I never forget that they are temporary and not my savior. I don't need them, they need me. The mound that I am entranced with is the mound at Calvary.
When you know the Savior, you know what true elevation is. You realize that depths that He pulls you out of.
Good job Stephen. No disrespect. Throw that ball. I'll cheer you on, but I'll keep my relationship with the Lord at the top of my list.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Big Issues? Try This Small Thing

I've been reading this book "The Power of Small". Its a pretty good book. I got it on audio at the library, so actually, I think I'm listening to it, not reading it.
In the book, they talk about usually people want big things to happen, so they focus on the big things, instead of focusing on the small. Their contention is that when we do small things, it makes a big impact.
Its quite revolutionary to a guy like me who always thinks big.  They gave some great examples of how people have lost weight, grew their companies, achieved success, and generally achieved what they set out to do, simply because of something small.
Let me give you an example- I've been married for 12 years. Every year since I've been married, I've wanted a hot tub, and as of yet, I do not have one. An OK hot tub with installation is probably around five thousand dollars. I'm not sure where you are at financially, but 5K doesn't roll across my desk that often. I'm usually excited about a 20 dollar bill.
I want a hot tub- and I'm doing absolutely nothing to work towards that goal. I just keep hoping that a hot tub is going to somehow magically drop from the sky, which as of yet, has not happened.  Here's the kicker- if I had been thinking small over the last 12 years, I could have a hot tub by now. I did the math, and 5K spread over 12 years is about 8.6 dollars a week. A little more than a dollar a day.
A dollar a day doesn't sound like much does it? But if I had been thinking small, I'd be on my way to hot tub by now.
So what have I been doing? Saving up my change and loose bills for a hot tub. I know its not a huge deal, and Its going to take a while, but I'm sure that with time, I can save up five grand. It may take me 12 more years but at least I'm on my way!
What the nugget for today? What's something big you want that you can do something small to get there? Want to start a prayer life? get up 5 mins earlier everyday for a week. Next month, get up 10 mins earlier. In a few months time, you'll be up a half hour earlier and be getting your prayer time.
Here's the deal- we all have things in our life that we want to change. The question is always "how are we going to get there"?. Think small, act small, and over time, it can add up to big changes.
Be blessed.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today Is National Doughnut Day 2010!

Well praise the Lord, today is the day in which we recognize the impact that the doughnut has had on our wonderful country.
You can read about the donut here- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doughnut its got a great bunch of information.
People sometimes ask me why I love donuts so much. I'm not sure why.
Maybe its because they are soft and comforting. Perhaps its the icing sugary covering. Maybe its the consistency. Wait, I think I may have it- The donut, or actually, donut shops, are one of the only places you can go, and have a variety of something, not having to be forced into one thing.
Typically, when you go to a restaurant, you have to choose an entree, or choose a dessert. When it comes to a donut shop though, you can choose 12 different ones! How awesome is that? Those who enjoy the donut, are able to experience many different tastes and flavors.
Lets be honest, how can you choose between a maple bar, a twist, and french cruller? You don't have to when you're at a donut shop! You can have all three! Praise the Lord!
I understand this blog is pointless today. I get it. I guess its just because as I'm sitting here writing this I cant help but be overcome with thoughts of the raised pastry of glory. I should be thinking of some spiritual significance, but I am overcome with the thoughts of a hot donut.
Here's something for you- the Bible calls Jesus the bread of heaven. If that bread was to have a taste, I'm sure it would taste something like a donut. Think of that next time you have a piece of manna.
Go get a donut today. Its your civic duty.

Be blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some Of God's Greatest Gifts, Are Unanswered Prayers

As I'm sitting here writing this blog, my wife is sitting over my shoulder drinking coffee reading what I write. She looks at the title of the blog and says, "Hey, that's a song".
Yeah. I know. That's why I put it in the title to the blog. I'm trying to make a point here. That's what this blog is about- making a point.
There is a song titled "Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks that describes a man going to a High School football game with his wife. While they are there, they run into his old girlfriend, and he realizes that He is thankful for unanswered prayers. In the song, he had prayed to marry his high school sweetheart, but now, years later, he realizes that God blessed him by not answering that prayer. Its a cool song. If you haven't heard it, google or bing it and listen to it. 
I was thinking about that song yesterday when I was talking to the building inspector for the city of Auburn. I was talking to him about some zoning and occupancy requirements for churches and he shared with me that there was a church in the city who was having some trouble with their building. He didn't outright say it, but I gathered that there was a church in the city who was in a building that was not up to code. The church needed to have a sprinkler system, and it didn't. The church is more than likely going to have to move out of their location because of it.
Its sad for that church. I'm sure they're not happy that they may have to vacate their facility after working so hard to get into it. I know what its like to pray and believe for a building.
Here's the kicker- I'm pretty sure that the building they are getting kicked out of is the one that we wanted to buy last year. Remember this blog? http://krachunis.blogspot.com/2009/11/this-might-be-craziest-thing-ive-done.html 
Are you connecting the dots?
Today, I'm thanking God for unanswered prayers. I understand that this is another church that is in this debacle, and I'm not saying that God blesses our church and not theirs. But it is possible that you can be a person or an organization that can step out on your own choices instead of stepping out into God's will. Its a difficult thing to discern whether its you, or God when stepping out in faith. I'm not going to pass judgement and say they weren't in God's will, or they approached it wrong. But I am thankful today that God didn't answer that prayer for us to get that building. If He had, we could be getting kicked out of our meeting place and be a church without a building. Yikes.
Here's the deal- if you pray, you realize that God doesn't answer every prayer. But here's the other side of it- when you pray, always ask God to make it His will, for His way to supersede your wants and needs. We all have things that we would want, or things that we would like to see happen, but if they are not within His will, they may not work out.
We can do things our way, or His way. I want things to be done His way. I can step out on my own, or I can step out with Him.
Look at your own life today. Maybe there is an unanswered prayer that you can thank God for.
Be blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Get Punched In The Gut- Keep a Smile On Your Face

I can imagine that being the President isn't an easy thing. No matter what you do, there is always going to be a group of people who don't like what you do and have something to say about how you do your job.
In school, we got report cards twice a week. The President gets approval ratings every single day. If he ever wants to know what people think or how he is doing, all he has to do is bring up his approval ratings.
I think that would get old. Living under a National microscope with everyone watching everything he does.
It got me thinking- how does that guy not give into the whims of people, or lash out at those who are his detractors? Lets be honest, he's got a national stage that he could basically say or do whatever he wanted and get away with it.
It would be hilarious to see him pull out some obscure email from someone and start ripping them up on national TV.
"So before I end, tonight I'd like to personally address Bob Johnson from Topeka Kansas who had some harsh words to say about my policy changes this week. Bob, go ahead and look outside your window. There are 6 IRS agents sitting outside that would like to have a word with you." He would continue "Furthermore Bob, we've done an extensive background on everything you've ever done in your life and have posted it on the white house web page for the world to view. If you got anything else to say to me, come on down to 1600 and we'll talk about it face to face by the rose garden".
That would be hilarious.
It will never happen though. Why? Because the President understands that regardless of who says what, he has to be who he is. He knows a truth that a lot of people don't- that you can't be changed by what people think about you. You can't spend your days worrying about what other people think. He knows that if you spend all day worrying about everyone else, it will consume you.
I'm sure he has bad days. He just doesn't let people get to him.
Here's the deal- do you let people get to you? Do you let them rent space in your head? Have you ever spent a sleepless night worrying about someone Else's view of you? Here's some good Biblical advice- stop it. Quit letting people get to you. You are who you are and if you spend your days worrying about what some detractor says about you, it can consume you.
Now, I'm not saying that we don't all have stuff we need to change. If your breath stinks, fix it.Don't use this blog as an excuse to hurt people, I'm not saying that.  I'm saying that if you spend all day thinking about people who say stuff about you that doesn't matter, it will consume you. You can't let one or two people decide what you should do with your life. Its your life, not theirs. Live your life. Realize that you answer to God and God alone. You can't please everyone.
Be blessed.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog