Matt of Faith and Victory in Auburn Wa ( shares insights, thoughts and periodic ramblings. This blog address has been somewhat discontinued, to read current blogs, please go to
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
3 Ways To Improve Your Mood #dogood
Friday, November 18, 2011
Guest Blogger! Todd Sommer and The Irrigation Pipe Dinosaur

This is the lesson that I have learned from my father. We should never place limits on God and we should always be open to the opportunity to do something slightly crazy for God's glory.
My father has always been a collector. From the working stoplight, to a chair that has the shape of a hand, to the giant wooden marlin, you never quite knew what dad was going to bring home. About a year ago however he started bringing home more and more fossils. Maybe to some people that might sound strange but to my family that sounds perfectly normal. You see dad has always had a passion for rocks, science, and archaeology.
For some people science and God don't mix, but for my Dad it's always been a passion to make people realize that they do. So as he was collecting rocks as fossils and thinking and praying he came up with the idea of creating a Creation Museum. The idea is little crazy when you type it out on paper.
My father is going to open a Creation Museum in Broken Bow NE (population 5000).
Undaunted by such minor things my father has pushed forward and is not only opening this museum sometime in the spring of next year, but has also managed to construct a giant replica of a Tyrannosaurus Rex (made out of irrigation pipe) to place in the front just so no one could possibly miss what he was trying to do.
When I asked dad what was the reason you decided to open the museum. He said “To show that the bible is the authoritative word of God. To do that, I need to show that Evolution is not true.”
I look at that and I think “wow” that is so cool. He took his passion and his desire and transformed it into something that is supporting one of the bedrock principals of our faith. The bible is true.
This is the essence of what it is to be Christian. You take your time, your energy, your money, your passion, your talents and you give it to God. You surrender it all. Granted most of us will never be able to open a Creationist Museum, but we can choose to glorify God with the things that we are good at.
So whatever your talents are I hope that in the back of your mind your thinking, I wonder how God could use this to further his kingdom. Also if you ever happen to make your way to NE stop on by the Boneyard Creation Museum and take a look at what happens when you are a little crazy about following God.
Todd Sommer
Thursday, November 17, 2011
An #MMA Fighter In the #WalMart Parking Lot?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Cancel The #NBA Season? #OccupyWallStreet
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Do You #Love Your #Money Too Much?

Money is an awesome thing, and by awesome, I mean that it has a whole lot of power over people and institutions. People feel as though money equals power, therefore they clamor to get as much of it as they can. They will do whatever it takes to get it. Think of all the news stories that center around money. Political clout attached to money. Books about money. Money money money. It truly makes the world go round.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Majority of #Democrats Seldom or Never Go to #Church?

The Gallup polling organization released its latest data yesterday and revealed that 52% of the democrats that they polled, seldom or never went to church. While this number is only 2 percentage points away from being half, and 3 percentage points away from being majority in the other direction, the number to me is still interesting. You can read all of the data here-
Thursday, November 3, 2011
#Obama Says That God Backs His Jobs Plan?

President Obama yesterday, while talking about a 'jobs' bill that he was trying to push through congress made the claim that "God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work". Carney, the White House press secretary followed up by stating "I believe that the phrase from the Bible is 'the Lord helps those who help themselves,'".
Clearly politicians. Clearly not theologians.
I can understand that desperate times call for desperate measures, and Mr. Obama is doing whatever he can to try to influence the members of congress to push through a bill that could possibly affect the unemployment rate, but more importantly affect his re-election campaign. It is no wonder that he has invoked the name of the most high as a top level endorser of his plan for America.
There is a problem with this tactic, and Mr. Carney's statement about the good book. God never said that he helps those who help themselves. Its a good idea, and it sounds really biblical and all, but its just not in there.
Here is a verse in the Bible that speaks about work that I would like to share with you this morning.
Proverbs 14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.