Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do You #Love Your #Money Too Much?


Money is an awesome thing, and by awesome, I mean that it has a whole lot of power over people and institutions. People feel as though money equals power, therefore they clamor to get as much of it as they can. They will do whatever it takes to get it. Think of all the news stories that center around money. Political clout attached to money. Books about money. Money money money. It truly makes the world go round. 

Take these guys- they tried to rob a casino for 250k and found out that the display case they tried to rob only had about 3k in it. Oops. Better luck next time. 

Money in and of itself is not inherently evil. Its just cotton fibers and paper with ink on it. We place the value on it, its not valuable for the substance that it is. There is the same amount of paper in a one dollar bill as there is for a hundred dollar bill. But people will still do anything for it. 

This should not be so. 

People who spend their life seeking after riches often find that it is not as satisfying as they had initially hoped. There is a bible verse that talks about  money that I think says a lot " People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction." (1 peter 6:9). Often times people who want more than anything to get rich find themselves in ruin and destruction because of the things that they were willing to do to gain money. It can destroy you. 

Why am I sharing this with you today? Because I think that people think about money a whole lot more than they talk about it. They worry about it, fret about it and focus on it. Money is a good thing in that it can pay some bills, put some food on the table and get some clothes on your back, but it is not everything that it is cracked up to be. 

I am writing this today to you as an encouragement if you are a person who focuses too much on your finances. Here's the encouragement- don't get so wrapped up in it. Its just money. You can't take it with you and it is not everything in the world. Your value is not connected to your bank account and your purpose is not to amass wealth. 

Be free from your love of money today. Sure, make money, pay your bills, but do not love it to the point that it brings your ruin and destruction. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

1 comment:

  1. i have to agree with you. money is not everything in life. i believe health and family is. I have seen people all over the world with a lot of money or with no money at all, and what i have to say about those people is the ones with no money live a lot happier. As long as you are happy with life, you should worry so much about money.
