Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cancel The #NBA Season? #OccupyWallStreet

I think that the occupy people are slipping. According to a recent article about the NBA it appears that there are over 4 billion dollars in profit revenue available that they have not addressed. Some of them need to pack up their stuff and go to the NBA headquarters in Mid-Town. Its only about 5 miles. They could probably walk it in an hour or so. You can read the article here. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e119fa50-0eff-11e1-b585-00144feabdc0.html

I figure that if these guys are all about going after greedy people that have too much money that aren't sharing it with the 99% and this is another stream of untapped revenue that they should seriously consider. There is no shortage of people who are making ridiculous amounts of money that they should be protesting in the NBA.

Do they realize that these people are making millions for bouncing, passing and throwing a inflated round ball? Furthermore, they have burdened the American people with higher taxes to pay for civic centers in which they play and they are making even more revenue selling licensed products to kids and adults alike. I tell you that if Freddie Mac was making money on $75 dollar jerseys that kids were wearing to school they would be protesting that lickety split!

Or maybe they aren't doing it because the know the reality- they don't have what it takes to play in the NBA. If LeBron quit tomorrow, there isn't a person in one camp at any occupy event that could fill those 200 dollar Nikes.

Here's the issue- I can completely understand that natural tendency that we all have to find someone or something to blame for our problems. Often times, we find a person or an organization that we decide is the reason for our problems and then we 'set up camp' and protest them. Either in person, or in our hearts. This search for a reason for our problems will always leave us empty, because the reality is that most of our problems have been created by ourselves.

Deep down inside a lot of people know that we don't have what it takes to be in the NBA that's why we don't protest them. For me, I don't have the level of dedication, or the natural ability to throw the inflated ball through the wire hoop. I can't jump. I know this about myself. I don't blame the NBA. I don't protest those guys.

So what do we do? Trust God in the midst of our challenges. Realize that he can take care of us. Do not be angry at people who seem to 'have more'.

What am I saying today? I'm not sure- but this is what I got- I love the story of the fishermen in Luke chapter 5. These guys were struggling to catch some fish and they listened to what Jesus said, and then they had so many fish that their boats almost sank. Part of that lesson was that Jesus wanted them to trust him for their increase and provision. Jesus didn't say "go and take someone else's fish" he said "trust me and you will get more fish".

The NBA can do what they want. I don't care. Jesus can fill my nets.

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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