Friday, January 29, 2010

How Long Can You Stand On Your Feet?

Have you ever had to stand on your feet for a long time?

When I was in the military, we would constantly be standing in some parade, or at some post, or some other place they thought necessary. Sometimes it would be just standing, but other times we would have to stand at attention, or parade rest for hours at a time. It can really wear on your knees and back to stand for that long. Especially if you have your helmet,gear and weapon with you. Standing for long times can be a real pain.

I was talking to someone a while back about standing in church. At our church, we have songs that we sing at the beginning of the service, and most people stand for the entire time the songs are being played. It usually only lasts for about 25-30 mins, but its still a bit of time, depending on your background.

Anyway, this guy was telling me about how he didn't really like standing in church for that long. He thought it was uncomfortable, and possibly even unnecessary to stand for that long for anything, even in church.

Without going into deep theological discussion about standing during worship, I'll just say this- standing in church is a good necessary thing. I like it. I think its a position of worship.

Anyway, he said his piece, I gave it its cursory review, and we went on.

A few weeks later, he came to me with a story. Almost immediately after we had that conversation about standing, things at his job changed. He was on a special project that required for him to literally stand on his feet for 8-12 hours a day for 36 days straight. Outside in the elements. Rain, wind, heat, cold, everything. He told me that he had nothing to lean on, nothing to sit on, all he could do was just stand there.

Here comes the good part. While standing there, he came to the realization that he actually could stand for an extended period of time, and that he probably wasn't looking at the standing part of a worship service in the correct way. He told me that 36 days on his feet changed the way that he looked at standing for 30 mins in the church.

Awesome. Isn't it great how God often uses our life experiences to help shape the way in which we view our world? Sometimes it appears humorous the way in which he uses life circumstance to reveal something about our character and the way in which we respond to the world around us.

What can we learn from this? Watch out what you complain about. The lesson may be much longer in duration than what you may want to endure. Secondly, when you are going through something painful or comfortable, ask the Lord to reveal to you what you can learn from it, so you may not need to repeat it again.

Is there something you're going through right now that is painful that you can learn something from? Stand on your feet and thank the Lord for refining your character. Thank Him for growing you into a better person.

Happy standing!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Well Timed Email Message

I probably worry about more stuff than I ought to. I know. I'm a pastor, I should be leading the charge of faith, and on most things, most of the time, I do. But there are times when I allow myself to worry too much about stuff that I can't control, or things that really don't matter. I don't know where it comes from, there are just times when I am in worry mode.

Its faithless and fruitless to do it. I know. I shouldn't do it.

Yesterday, Crystal and I were sitting in the SUV, about to go into church and I was sharing with her something that I was worried about. Something I couldn't control. Something that was consuming my brain. I was telling her how I felt and how I wanted it to change.

As we were sitting there in the car, she was encouraging me to not worry, to not be upset, to allow God to move in that area. I know that stuff. I preach that stuff, but I guess even ol' Pastor Matt is not immune to the attacks of worry and doubt. I shouldn't be that way, but at times, it does rear its ugly head.

Here's what happened- as we were sitting there, my trusty BlackBerry went off, and I looked at the message. The message was a forward from someone in our church that was about trusting God in the midst of stuff. It was a message that basically said that God's way is not our way, and that we should allow him to do things in his time, in his way. It said to not worry.

Now some might chalk this up to chance or coincidence. Me? No way. To have a message come through at the exact time we were talking about it, can only draw one conclusion.

God will use whatever means necessary to ensure that we are getting his message. He wanted me to know last night to not worry about stuff too much. To not be concerned with the things I cannot control. To allow Him to move in His way. He sent me an email so I would know it.

I'm holding on to that message today. I'm casting my worries at the feet of Jesus today. I'm not going to carry them around and let them torment me today. Father, I trust you. I love you. I know you will take care of it.

Is there a worry you need to let go of today? Is there something that you need to stop worrying about? Don't allow the Devil to torment you with that worry. Don't allow it to consume you. Let go of it and watch how God will work it out. He wants you to know it, he'll even send you an email to make it clear.

Be blessed

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We Watched The Karate Kid Last Night

It was family movie night last night. Its always a chore to find a 'family' movie that everyone enjoys and that isn't riddled with cuss words and sexual innuendo, so we chose an oldie- The Karate Kid.

Have you seen that movie? I think its from like 1984 or something. Its a classic 80s movie that includes a soundtrack with songs from Bananarama and other rock bands.

This movie is very cliche' and very predictable (unless you're 9 and can't understand why Daniel is sanding everything in sight when he is supposed to be learning karate) . Its about a young boy from out of town gets bullied, meets girl who is eventually caught in the middle. Kid learns karate from mystic handyman and eventually wins the respect of the bully and the girl in a climactic karate championship match.

The end of the movie is epic. The main character Daniel is in the final match and must win one more point to be champion. He has no other choice but to use a karate move he learned from his teacher called the crane technique.

He uses it and of course wins.

After the movie it was hilarious to watch my kids immediately start mimicking the crane move from the film. To them it was clear- to be a karate champion you only need one fail-safe move to do it. Do that one thing and you win.

I think sometimes people view their own life that way- that if they only had one fail safe 'move' they could win in life. They think- the reason I'm not winning is that I don't know the secret move.

Here's a secret move for you- the 'crane technique' for you today. The one that will get you through your next battle- ready?

Let the Lord fight the battle for you.

Don't get caught up fighting on your own strength, using your own moves. Allow Him to use his powerful moves on your behalf and watch how quickly you win. Sometimes we try too hard to win on our battles on our own, and in the end we fail, because we are depending on our own strength.

Be blessed
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Was Half Way Right....

Some of you may remember a few months back when I proposed a means by which our church could secure a new meeting location. It was this great idea about people giving a few dollars, and finding more people to give a few bucks. It was a flawless plan that failed miserably. I thought that I had heard from God on it, and that we were to raise the money to get our church in there. I found out some interesting news this week. Another Church moved in there.

I'm going to be a bit honest, it stings a little bit. I guess I was half way right, God apparently did want a church in there, it just happens that it wasn't Faith and Victory Church. I'm not sure what the name of the church is, but I had two different people from our church who told me about it this week.

The good news is that the Good News is still going to be coming out of that building, its just a little bit frustrating that it wasn't our church.

I'm probably a bit too emotional over these types of things, but thank God I've got a wife who gives me perspective. Last night we were talking about this, and she kept telling me that it was okay. That God has something even better for us.

Here's the deal- there will always be times in our life when we must move forward to make a decision to try to discern if we are doing what God wants us to do. Its a painful process at times because doors of opportunity are often closed (or slammed and nailed) shut, and then we must deal with the emotional aftermath. We get ourselves worked up, and then nothing happens.

Have you ever had something that you thought was of God and it turned out it wasn't? Have you ever tried something and then failed? It can be a bit frustrating.

But here's the best thing that God give us in this scenarios- perspective. He gives us the opportunity to see the big picture and realize that His greater plan will always come to pass. He allows us to re frame our thoughts, rethink our view and move forward to the next opportunity. If that's you, join me today in this exercise, and honor God by allowing Him to have His way, and not ours.

Yeah, it stings a little. But I'll be OK. I realize that God is still God and that His will be accomplished. I don't want to be a Bruce Almighty yelling "My Will Be Done". Its His will. His plan. His Church. I'm still in love with Jesus.

Be Blessed

Friday, January 22, 2010

Screaming Out The Window At 730am

On most Friday mornings, I get up to go and do a Bible Study with some young guys. We meet at the Young Life house down in Auburn, which is about 2 blocks down from the High School.

We get together at about 630am and have some breakfast, and then spend about 30 mins hanging out and talking about the Bible and what it means to our everyday life. Its a really cool time. We get to laugh, and joke, and the guys get to rib me about having a big head and eating too many donuts. I think part of the reason that they come is that they get to poke fun at a 35 year old guy who can handle whatever they dish out. Its a great time.

This morning was no different. We had some superb breakfast (dutch babies, fruit and whip cream) that was provided by one of the supporters of Young Life, and then we spent some time talking about the Bible. Today's discussion was centered around Jesus being the light of the World, and how we as Christians, need to be that light, and allow God to use us to bring light to other people. It was a great discussion.

When we were done, 5 of the guys wanted me to drive them the 2 blocks to school. Seriously? 2 blocks? These are all athletic young kids who could probably walk on their hands for 2 blocks, but I gave in anyway.

Opportunities like this don't come very often, but I maximized this 2 blocks for all it was worth. They wanted to listen to their radio station, so I let them. As luck would have it, it was a love song on. So I did what any adult would do in this situation. I rolled down all the windows, turned up the radio as loud as possible and drove about 3 miles an hour.

I wish you could have seen all 5 of these guys try to sink down as far as they could into the car. HILARIOUS. But here's the best part- they were sitting 4 across in the seat, so they had no where to go! They couldn't scrunch down! So what did I do? Screamed out the window as loud as I could for all the kids outside the school to look at us! " HEYYYYY WHAT'S UP AUBURN HIIIIGGGGHHHH?". It was AWESOME! I really wish you could have seen these guys pulling their hoods down and their shirts up so they wouldn't be seen. It was priceless.

When I finally stopped the SUV, they were all laughing uncontrollably. It was great. We had a really good laugh to start the day. Sure, it was at the expense of some adolescent pride, but it was well worth it. I could only imagine how I would have felt as a ninth grader being dropped off at school by some buffoon yelling out the window at 730am.

Don't take yourself so seriously today. Have some fun. Make someone laugh. Enjoy yourself. Sometimes people think that they are doing God a favor by being downtrodden or upset. Life is to short (or too long) to spend it wallowing in self pity. Get out there and have a good laugh today.

If you can do with some kids, even better.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can You Answer These Questions? I Doubt It.

I found this list of questions on the Internet. They're quite funny. I thought you might enjoy them-

  • What's the difference between unique and very unique?
  • We put in our two cents, but only get a penny for our thoughts. Who gets the extra penny?
  • When do you become important enough to be considered assassinated and not just murdered?
  • Can you cry under water?
  • Who decided that a round pizza should be put in a square box?
  • Why are actors IN movies but ON television?
  • Why does grass grow where you do not want it and not grow where you do?
  • Why do we say we slept like a baby when they wake up every two hours?
  • Why do we pay to get to the top of tall buildings, then pay to use binoculars to look at things on the ground?
  • If we don't care that Jimmy cracked corn, why do we still sing about it?
  • Why does Goofy stand upright and Pluto stand on all four feet? They're both dogs.
  • Why does "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "The Alphabet Song" have the same tune?
  • On Gilligan's Island, the professor could make a radio out of a coconut. Why couldn't he fix the hole in the boat?
  • If Wile E. Coyote has enough money to buy all that stuff from ACME, why doesn't he just buy himself dinner?
  • Why does a dog get mad at you if you blow in his face, but then stick his head out the window when you take him for a car ride?

I read these and a few of them gave me an out loud chuckle. My personal favorite was the one about buildings. Yea, why do we do that?

Why the funny jokes this morning? Well, first off, I thought you all could use a good chuckle, and second, I want to use them to make a point.

We all have questions that we wonder about that there really is no easy answer to, or that we cannot understand or comprehend. A lot of times these questions are in regards to events that have happened in our lives, or things about our future. Questions about God, the Bible and what it all means. Its natural to have these questions. We're inquisitive people by nature.

But here's the kicker- there are somethings that I will never understand. There are things that there are no easy answers to. In my finite mind, I cannot comprehend an infinite God. I can try. I can discover. I can learn. At the same time, I must accept the limitations of my existence and understand that its okay I don't know the answers to everything.

Do not allow yourself to be consumed with worry or thoughts that plague you about your past or future. Understand that there are just some things that you will never understand, and that's okay.

Be blessed


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Remember That Thing Called The Swine Flu?

Its January 2010. Thousands of people died this month, but it was in an earthquake, not from the H1N1 virus like all those people predicted.

Do you remember what it was like a few months ago? Swine flu was all over the news. People were infected. People were dying. Long lines at the vaccine centers. Panic in the streets. The probable end of the world as we know it.

Where are all those people who were declaring the end of the earth now? I found an interesting article in the Seattle Times yesterday- you can read it here.Here's what the article says, that you probably have already figured out- the pandemic didn't happen, they made too much vaccine, and now they want people to pay to use it.

I'll let you in on a little secret. I didn't get the vaccine. I never get flu shots. Ever. I think its a bunch of hooey and and scare tactics, and it appears as if in this case, I may be correct. Sure, I know that some people died from it, but people die from influenza every year.

News organizations all over the world exist for primarily one reason- they want you to watch their program so that their advertisers are justified in spending the amount of money that they do. The more often and longer you watch, the better off the advertisers are. After all, if you are a publicly traded company on the NYSE, you better be posting a profit, and in this case, profit comes from more advertising dollars.

How do they get you to watch more? They use sensationalized news coverage (blood, death, mayhem etc.) to entice you to watch, and keep watching. Case in point- the Haitian relief effort showing scores of dead bodies repeatedly. You see the the bodies over and over and keep watching and watching (I've seen exactly zero video images of the event- I dont watch the news- I read it).

In the case of the H1N1 "scare" it truly was the flavor of the week that has now lost its luster. They have moved on to more exciting things. Actual dead bodies in the streets of Port au Prince is way more exciting than the prospect of dead bodies.

What's my point? Do not allow yourself to get sucked in by mass media to tell you what to be afraid of and what to believe. The world is not coming to an end. The sky is not falling. Yes, there are horrific things that happen all over the world every day, but in alot of cases, its nothing more than a news report about blood in the street after the fact.

Read your Bible, pray and spend time with the flesh and blood people around you whom you love, and watch how your mood improves. Yes, you can send money to relief organizations, but also walk across the street and love on that neighbor that has no family or friends. Call someone you love. Send a gift to friend. Help out at a homeless shelter.

The swine flu scare turned out to just be a pan of burnt bacon in the kitchen, when everyone was calling it a fire. Watch. In one month you won't be hearing about Haiti anymore. They will have moved on to other things. You don't hear about New Orleans, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Tsunami anymore either.

Trust God, not the mass media. Love the people within arms reach.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't Get It Twisted

I think some people don't understand me, or this blog. You might be surprised the types of emails and comments that I get in regards to this little area of the web.

Some people think I'm too preachy. Some think I'm not preachy enough. People challenge my theology and intentions. Its quite interesting to hear what some think about this little ol' blog.

Here's the deal- I'm setting the record straight today. From this point forward, those who have a misunderstanding about this blog, or what it exists to do, will no longer have to wonder. I'm going to put it in plain English.

This blog exists to encourage people to reflect on thier own life in a positive way that draws them closer to God.

There. I said it. This isn't a blog about hermeneutics or eschatology. Its not about a discourse on the original Greek translation of the New Testament. We're not about deep theology here, we're about simple truths that will hopefully challenge you, that's right YOU to a desire for a deeper understanding of the God of the Bible.

In a world full of death, destruction and despair, this blog should be a place of encouragment and victory that gives you something positive to reflect on for the day.

I'm not trying to ram it down your gullet here. I'm trying to give a taste, so that you may be so inclined to discover a bit further.

What's the nugget from the blog today? Know what you're trying to accomplish and what you're about. Too many people lose sight of what their main focus is, and try to be all things to all people, and in the process, lose sight of what they are truly about. Example- they still aren't serving steak and lobster at McDonalds. That's not what Mickey D's is about.

Do you know what you're about? Do you know your focus? Don't allow other people to come into your life that try to re-align the focus that you know that God has given you. He has influenced each and every one of us in a way that is orchestrating His will on this planet. When we lose sight of that, we become a person that wants to be all things to all people, and quite frankly, you just can't do it.

Keep your focus today. Don't worry if you're not pleasing everyone in the process. If you're doing what God called you to do, He's proud of you, and that's all that really matters anyways.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Are You Ready For an Earthquake?

Obviously by now you're aware of the devastation of the earthquake that happened in Haiti. It has been utterly devastating to see the carnage that has ravaged that city. its horrible to see and think about what those people must be dealing with.

I've been thinking about what to write about in regards to the event and I've been struggling. There was a part of me that wanted to just let it go, and write about something completely unrelated. Another part of me wants to write about what we should all be doing to help them. I thought about discussing the political structure of Hispanola and its contribution to this event.

Here's what I've come up with-

1. There are countless ways to give money through national humanitarian organizations that are well equipped to immediately help. Find one and give what you can. No matter how small. Most Haitians live on 2 dollars a day.

2. Pray pray pray. God can move in the midst of this tragedy. In the lives of those who are helping on the ground, and the lives of the Haitian people. God didn't build those shoddy buildings, but he can rescue the people who lived in them.

3. As with most tragedy, my thoughts always drift back to my own situation. How prepared am I to take care of my family if there was a devastating event that took place? Would I be prepared with food, water, and basic necessities? I can learn from this to be prepared for whatever may come.

Heavy heart for me today. Thank God for where you are in light of what others may be dealing with today.

Be blessed
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, January 14, 2010

American Idol- Why do You Entrap Me With Your Snare?

Ok- I'll admit it- I think I might be a bit addicted to American Idol. I said that last year was my last year, but here I am again watching season 9. Luckily I have a DVR, so I am able to watch it on my timeline, but I'm still watching it.

I'm not sure if you're an idol fan or not. Its not for everyone, but it definitely has a draw to watch. Its kind of like a train wreck- you can't help but watch. Last night has some hilarious parts! LOVED "Pants on the ground".

You're probably going to view me a bit differently after I tell you this, but I actually get a bit teared up at times when I watch that show. Not like blubbering crying when you just watched the Notebook, but enough you have to rub your eyes a bit.

There was a gal Vanessa Wolfe on the show last night who was from this real small town in Tennessee called Venore. She wasn't overly attractive, or confident, so even before she began, I wondered whether or not she could sing. She could. Quite well in fact.

When the judges started to tell her what a wonderful singer she was, the look on this girls face told what a thousand words couldn't- she felt valued. She felt validated. She felt special. Her heart was changing as we watched.

I'm sure she had often wondered if she was a good singer, if she was special, if she was ever going to leave her small town, and right before her eyes- all of it was coming true. She didn't wonder if she was good anymore. She finally knew she was good.

Why does that make me tear up? Because I absolutely love to see people who finally figure out their inherent value. Sure, it shouldn't have to take being on American Idol to feel validated, but for this girl- it appeared to be the case and it was great to watch.

It brings up the question- what will it take for you to feel validated and experience your inherent value? I'm sure its not going on American Idol, but this is what I want you to know today-

The creator of the Universe sees inherent value in who you are. He created you. He Loves you. You're his proverbial "American Idol" (with a full understanding of the sin of idolatry- but lets not get hung up on the words here).

God loves you. Believes in you. Cherishes you.

As Max Lucado said "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it".


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

If They Made a Movie About My Life... I Would Want Explosions!

I'm currently reading a book by Donald Miller. He's the same guy who wrote Blue Like Jazz, I think the name of the book is something like " A Million Miles in a Thousand Years". I'm not even half way through it, but I'm getting there. I'm not quite sure what the book is totally about, but there is already some stuff I'm getting out of it.

In the book, Miller talks about our 'stories' as people. That each of us has a story about our lives. There isn't a bunch of us who have fantastic stories as far as our lives are concerned, but we all have a 'story' that we have or are currently living.

He talks about his own life, and how it is devoid of any real excitement. How if his life was made into a movie, it wouldn't have any explosions. I thought about my own life- if they made a movie about my life, there wouldn't be any explosions either. Seems like a really boring movie.

Here's what I'm getting out of the book so far that I want to share with you- whether we realize it or not, our lives are a story. A beginning, a middle, and an end. There are experiences that we are living out on a daily basis that are shaping our story in a certain direction. These things may be exciting, dull or seemingly pointless. But we are living a story, that will eventually come to an end.

Its getting me thinking- what kind of story am I living? What kind of story do I want to live? When my life stops, will I think that I lived my life in such a way that I squeezed every ounce of meaning and impact out of every moment? That my life was lived in such a way that the story that I lived was one that even I would actually care to read about?

No one watches movies or reads books about a guy who went to work for 40 years, retired, and then died. That would be a pretty boring story.

Here's the deal- either I can read books and watch movies about great stories or I can allow the Lord to help me live out a story. A story that is filled with an impact for others and meaning for me. The more I read His story (the Bible), and allow it to change me, I will in turn change my story to affect others in their story. It will change my life, and other's lives also.

Are you living the story that you want to? Does it have the level of meaning and excitement that you want?

You can start to rewrite it anytime you want.

Be blessed

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Dream of a Hot Tub

I want a hot tub. I've wanted one for quite a while now. For about 5 years I've really wanted one. There was a point about 3 years ago when I almost bought one online, but in the end, something happened financially that kept me from actually 'pulling the trigger' so to speak.

I've always liked hot tubs. I've never owned one, nor did I have one as a child growing up. I can remember times when I would visit friends who had one, and go on vacations to places that had one. Even now, I love to sit in that hot water and relax. For me, its a place of total relaxation.

Part of the reason i think about hot tubs all the time is that I am such a big guy. I'm 6 foot 5 and weigh about 250lbs. I'm not sure if you've noticed the standard tub, but for me, its either legs or body in the water. Therefore, the amount of baths that I have taken in the past 10 years have equaled exactly zero. The hot tub is the only option for total and complete immersion in hot water for me.

This Christmas, my in-laws gave me a really neat piggy bank. Its made out of an old metal tank of some sort that looks like a pig and is painted and all that. Its sweet. Its probably got a 2.5 gallon capacity with a slit on top for the money.

Here's my goal- I'm shoving dollar bills and change in that thing and when its full, hopefully I'll be on my way to a hot tub. Right now I think there is about 25 dollars in there, so I've got a ways to go, but I'm on my way.

Here's what happened yesterday- my daughter Faith wanted to put 10 of her dollars into the pig towards a hot tub. It was so sweet. She came to me and wanted to give into the 'hot tub fund'.

Here's what I saw- my 6 year old daughter was willing to part with a large percentage of her personal stash of cash to help the hot tub fund.

It encouraged me.

Why? Because she was being giving. She wanted to help me accomplish something she knows that I want, and wanted to be a part of it. Even if it meant parting with a bit of her own money.

Here's the nugget for the day- how tight are you with your own giving of money? When you see someone in need are you willing to part with a bit of your own? Do you offer to pay for meals when out with others? Do you look for opportunities to bless others with your money?

This is what I'm getting at- do you control your money, or does your money control you?

Be willing to part with a bit of your money. It will stretch you.

be blessed

Friday, January 8, 2010

I Love Perfect People!

I love perfect People

I’ve decided that from this point on, I’m only going to love and spend time with perfect people. People who look nice. People who smell nice. The kind of people who are going to make me feel good about who I am. People who validate Matt and make Matt feel special.

I’ve been looking around for some perfect people, and I think I may have found a few. There is this guy, who has a really swell job, who owns some snowmobiles. I think when he and I become friends that he’ll invite me to come and go out with him snowmobiling. Wouldn’t that be sweet if he had a cabin and invited my family and I to come stay over and then he could take us all out to a steak dinner?

Having a friend or someone to hang out with who was perfect would be sweet, because then, since he didn’t have any issues or problems, I could spend the bulk of our time together talking about my problems and issues. That way, I could get my emotional needs met, and feel better about my self.

I can picture it now, me and my perfect friend, out to dinner (that he paid for) driving in his sweet car, driving past all those nobody’s who don’t have a friend like I have.

Here’s what I think would happen- I would feel better about myself, and have more self value because people would see how cool he is, and how put together he is, and they would naturally assume that since he was so put together, he wouldn’t be spending time with anyone who wasn’t less than perfect.

People would never know how messed up I am, if I am only seen with perfect people.

An added bonus would be if he went to a perfect church that was full of perfect people. Not a bunch of people with struggles, who are trying to make it in this world, but a bunch of people that look like those people in the GAP commercials. Real pretty women and ruggedly handsome men. The kind of people that when you’re with them, you feel like you’re famous. That way, we could focus on the really important stuff like how we can look cooler together. I’m almost positive that those people have no problems. How could they? Look how great they look!

Well, I thought I would just pass this on to you as I’m going into the weekend. I’m done dealing with broken people who have issues. My main focus moving forward is to find perfect people to hang out with. My life will be so much easier. Fuller. Exciting. Meaningful. Cool.

I’m probably going to have trouble sleeping at night because I’ll be so happy.

Here’s the nugget for the day- go find some perfect friends. Hang out with them. Stay away from anyone who appears to have any sort of short-comings or issues. Those types of people will just bring you down. They aren’t the type of people that you want to be around. They might infect you with their mediocrity.

Or could I be wrong?


Thursday, January 7, 2010

How To Deal With People Who Accuse You

Have you ever been accused of something? Someone says something about you that is not true, or is attacking your character? Typically during these times, these accusers are usually speaking about you behind your back, or to your family, or to your neighbors or friends.

We've all been there. Someone says something about us, or attacks us directly. It usually happens in a setting that catches you by surprise in such a way that you not prepared for the attack, and therefore, not prepared in how to respond.

I'm not talking about the normal everyday questions that come from employers or spouses in regards to your whereabouts or productivity. I'm speaking more specifically about character assassination and attempts at discrediting your person in the public arena. It may happen in your workplace, neighborhood or organization.

These accusers usually possess these traits-

1. They feel justified in their attack because they believe that they are 'helping people out' by defaming someones character. ("Everyone else should know what I know")

2. They gain a certain satisfaction from attacking people either with or without cause. ("I sure showed them")

3. Typically they have been attacked in the past and are now lashing out at someone else to vindicate a past hurt. ("Now someone else knows how I felt")

4. They act on limited information and misconstrue the motives of the person being attacked. ("That person deserves this!")

I think at some level we've all probably attack someone at some point in our lives, but when it happens to us, it really feels different. That should prompt two actions in our own personalities. We should first, realize that attacking someones character or motives hurts that person, and secondly, not attack people.

It brings up the question? How do we respond to those accusers? Do we lash out at them? Do we attack them? Do we find fault in them so as to discredit their character?

There's a small story in the Bible about Jesus being accused that at times comforts me in regards to personal attacks-

Mark 15:3-5 The chief priests accused him of many things. So again Pilate asked him, "Aren't you going to answer? See how many things they are accusing you of." But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.

Sometimes, the greatest defense of an accuser is to say absolutely nothing.

Here's the deal- if you believe in God, and believe that He knows everything that is going on, you have to believe that God will defend you. He will bring the truth to light and vindicate you. When you remain silent, and allow the Lord to do the defending, it allows Him to work things out in such a way that is better than anything that you could have done yourself.

So what's the short nugget for the day? When people attack you, be quiet and let God work it out.

Be blessed

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Tried To Kill The Goldfish

About 6-7 months ago, my kids really wanted a fishbowl. Who knows where they get these ideas, but they each wanted some fish. Being the loving benevolent parent that I am, we took them down to the WalMart and bought a one gallon 'all-in-one' set for about 8 dollars. It came with a bowl, rocks, and one plant. We bought two fish and the kids named them Alli and Lincoln.

Here was the plan with the goldfish- I figured I would get them and they would die within the first month since, they were only .29c feeder fish. Alli did die, the second day, so we had to replace her with the current fish, Alli-2. My thought was that the kids would get over having a fish or they would die, and we could move on. Alas, this has not been the case.

Our two fish grew quite a bit in that little bowl, regardless of the recommended 5 gallon per fish standard that I have heard about. Two things I did notice though, the two fish seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time at the top of the bowl sucking air and their water was really dirty all the time. So what did I do? What any good parent would do, I went out and bought a bigger bowl with a filtration and aeration system. What has been happening with the fish has been remarkable.

Since they have increased their area to swim in by 4 gallons, and now have oxygenated and filtered water, they have been moving around a lot more. I can visibly see that their activity and movement are quite different. Here's the biggest thing I've noticed- they don't go up to the top of the water to suck air now that they are getting the correct amount of oxygen in the water. The water is much cleaner too.

Here's what I was thinking about last night while I was sitting in front of the tank watching those little fish- as soon as they got cleaner water, their life was better. They were better.

Is there some stuff in your life that you need to filter out? Have you been living in dirty water that is clouding your perspective? Is it inhibiting your ability to be able to grow spiritually?

Here's the plan- ask the Lord to reveal those things in your life that are clouding you and allow him to filter them out of your life. You'll feel better and live better.

Be blessed

Here's the question

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back To The Grind

Happy New Year! Here we are, 2010 and back at it. If you're like me, you probably took a few days off over the holidays to spend some time with family, celebrate and relax. Those are good times for making memories and being with those whom you love, but it sure is nice for me to get back into the routine of it all.

One thing I love about January is the setting of the goals. Most people have some goals that they want to accomplish for the new year, and it usually starts in January. Its a new year, and the natural progression for most of us in western society is to make new years resolutions. I'm no different, I've got a few. I think goal setting is good, but its more than just the goal itself.

Here's what goal setting does for you-

1. Helps define some specific purposes for your day.
2. Gives you a tangible accomplishment on which to reflect.
3. Improves your overall well-being and sense of self worth.

Here's my recommendation for you for this year- when you are setting your goals, don't just set goals that have a end point. Set goals that will change your life for the long run. For example, instead of losing an amount of weight, make the commitment to exercise and eat healthy. Instead of paying off a debt, make some permanent changes in how you manage your money.

If we just set goals, and don't make lifestyle changes, the goals may be short lived and not accomplish what they intended- life change. Truly that is the only thing that is going to last. Having life change.

Take some time to reflect and decide what you're going to make different for your life in 2010. Find things that are big and little bit out of your reach. Pray and ask the Lord to empower you and help you to do them.

You don't want to be sitting here in 2011 thinking about 2010 wishing you would have done something this year. Make it count.

Be blessed