Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What To Do With The Pirates?

I'm sure you've been hearing the news lately about the pirates off the coast of eastern Africa that keep hijacking ships. If you haven't, let me give you the run-down. There are some Somali Pirates that have been boarding huge shipping vessels, taking control of the ship, and demanding ransom to let the ship and crew go. They have been getting ransoms in the millions, so they continue to do do it.

This week, they took over a ship with some Americans on it, and found out that the United States of America doesn't like piracy. They met some of our Navy Seals that were able to convince them to give up the ship and the hostages.

I've been having some conversations with people about the best way to deal with these pirates. Most of the ideas seem to include some sort of bomb, rocket, or firepower to either destroy or highly discourage the pirates to stay away from the ships.

Its interesting that when faced with mortal danger, the lengths that people will go to defend themselves. I'm sure some of the crews on those ships have rethought ways to be able to defend themselves against the attacks of these pirates. Why? because more than likely, the crew doesn't want to die, and they have a mission to accomplish.

What pirates are you allowing on your ship? Is there some pirates that are continually trying to board your ship and take over your life? Are there some pirates that you've allowed on your ship too long?

I'm sure you're getting my point. We all let 'pirates' into our lives that seem to take control, hold us hostage, and demand ransoms that we cannot pay. What are you going to do about it? How long are you going to allow these pirates in your life?

Its your life. Kick the uninvited guests off your ship and declare that you're going to come up with some defenses to keep them off your ship.

Here's the kicker- If you don't have what it takes to repel or remove the pirates, ask the Lord to help you. Better yet, ask Him to remove them, and He will.

Be blessed


  1. Good analogy. When it comes to the "pirates" within my personal life, I will call on the Lord. However, if I ever need perfectly executed, in tandum, sniper head shots on the bobbing high seas, I'm calling the US Navy Seals!

  2. If Paul were writing today, would he call the Bible the "sniper rifle of the Holy Spirit" instead of the "sword of the Spirit"?
